On August 31st, the 1.25 update went live in MXM. The update includes several changes for Masters and alterations to the mechanics for the Towers in each lane of Titan Ruins.
Unlike the 1.2 update where a few OP masters were nerfed, the 1.25 update had buffs for some off-meta Masters. Koom, Death Knight, and Ignuma got their Weapon Attack Power increased, and Kromede and Poharan were also buffed.
Mondo Jax, a Summoner Master, received a nerf to his ultimate Orbital Laser damage, but the skill’s laser tracking speed increased. When you upgrade the skill to level 6, the tracking speed will be as high as 750 instead of 500.

Bumaro is the only Master that received a nerf with the update. He used to be effective in pushing towards enemy Towers, but the damage over time for his auto attack, Necrotizing Amoebas, has decreased. Also, his self-healing skill, Cell Division, was nerfed. It is now hard for Bumaro to stay in a single lane and deal massive damage over time to enemy Towers.
Titan Ruins also underwent a few changes in its mechanics. The process to destroying Guardian Towers has changed, and now the players cannot damage inner Towers unless they destroy the outer wall Towers in the same lane. The same mechanic is applied to the Core. To destroy the enemy Core, the players must destroy all Guardian Towers in every lane and then go for the Core when it becomes vulnerable.
The entire patch notes for the 1.25 update can be found below.
Weapon Attack Power has been increased from 132 -> 146
Death Knight
Weapon Attack Power has been increased from 168 -> 183
· Quick Draw
Combo damage when both Rapid Fire and Fan of Arrows hits the same target with multiple arrows has been increased by 30%
· Galeforce Arrow
Skill Attack Power has been increased from 320 -> 420
Projectile Speed has been increased from 1800 -> 2300
Projectile Range has been increased from 13.5m -> 17.25m
Skill Attack Power has been decreased from 330 -> 270
· Necrotizing Amoebas (Weapon)
Continuous damage from Bumaro's basic weapon attack has been reduced
· Cell Division
HP Recovery amount has been decreased from 200 -> 150
Mondo Zax
· Orbital Laser (Ultimate)
Skill Attack Power has been decreased from 680 -> 520
Default laser tracking speed has been increased from 500 -> 600
Upgraded (Level 6) laser tracking speed has been increased from 650 -> 750
Weapon Attack Power has been increased from 101 -> 131
· Tower protection has been added to the guardian towers. You cannot attack the inner guardian towers or core guardian towers until the following conditions are met:
Destroy the center wall tower to remove protection from the core towers
Destroy the outer wall tower to remove protection from the inner guardian tower in the same lane
Destroy the outer wall tower and inner side tower in the same lane to remove protection from the core towers
· Invulnerable towers are clearly marked with icons/barriers to inform players that they cannot be attacked.
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