Support mains rejoice, for the hour of your ascension is nigh! Since alpha, Mercy has been a fairly standard support character with a simple to understand kit, and decent skill ceiling. These days, she mostly hides in a corner waiting for her team to die then resurrects them.
Well, Blizzard has had about enough of that and plan on giving her a much higher skill ceiling. The result is one of the deadliest supports ever. This is all PTR and Blizzard has already confirmed tweaks are on the way but, for now, Mercy is a seemingly unstoppable demi-god and I couldn’t be happier.
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As a wise doctor once said, the healing is not as rewarding as the harming.
1. & 2. Unrivaled mobility, unlimited power?
I mean come on that’s just silly. Sure, it's tied to her ultimate, but this flat out puts Lucio rollouts to shame. Guard your flanks and keep your points locked down, because Mercy can literally outfly the girl with rocket thrusters on her back.
Just in case you thought this doesn’t have any viability in a real game. Well, push up a bit too much and you’re gonna be back capped by a support. Just look at how embarrassed they are as they run back.
3. & 4. Through naps and bear traps, Mercy cannot be stopped.
With her rework, Mercy is now driven by pure animal instinct. Losing control of her conscious functions only make her harder to hit, more unpredictable, and more deadly. All who dare to CC the ulting Valkyrie, beware. Mostly because it looks like you’re just wasting an ability.
Oh yeah, she can now also consume bear traps like they’re the only thing binding her ethereal power to our realm. I mean sure she’s a good guy, but can anything with this kind of latent energy truly remain righteous forever?
5. & 6. She’s literally a fighter jet now.
Now I’ve seen Top Gun, so I know a fighter jet when I see one. Mercy is definitely a fighter jet. For 20 glorious seconds, she embraces her inner transformer and harasses everyone with strafing runs, flybys, and hopefully cheesy one liners.
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If you thought having to find and kill the hiding Mercy was bad, now Mercy finds and kills the hiding YOU. Listen, and understand. That Mercy is out there. She can’t be bargained with. She can’t be reasoned with. She doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And she absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
7. 8. & 9. Nano Boost ascends her to godhood. Look upon her true form and despair.
McCree help us all. Ana and Mercy, agents of destruction, twin horsewomen of the apocalypse, destroyers of hope, and breakers of kill streaks. While scary with ult, Mercy becomes near omnipotent with Nano boost. Eldritch horrors recoil in fear, and Mercy simply laughs.
Foolish defense team, there is no escape. Once Mercy is Nano Boosted all there is left is pain.
The end to all things is here, and it's a 30 something-year-old doctor with wings and a pistol.
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