There is a total of 137 champions in 'League of Legends'. And in a match, a total of ten different champions can be picked and played. If every single champion was picked by equally the same amount, they will all rest at a pick rate lower than 10%. But equality is hard to come across on such a large-scale game. There are champions who have a pick rate of over 20%; meaning, those champions will see play in about every 5 games. Meanwhile, some champions sit on a pick rate of 1%... you'll have to play about 100 games to see them in-game.
Why is this happening? Maybe it's because we have familiarized ourselves with the word 'meta' - because there have been many examples in the past where a once popular champions' pick rate dropped to as low as 2% when he or she fell out of it. Patches can also affect a champion's popularity - as many champions who have dominated the Rift in the past have fallen victim to balance patches. Some champions could feel simply downright boring to some... enduring what could be a possible 50 minute game on a champion you don't enjoy could really affect your gaming experience. And lastly, some players could be turned away by a champion's design - as there are many gamers that judge a character by his or her looks.
Eleven. That's the number of champions that have a pick rate of lower than 2%. Although this article is based on the NA server and there could be minor differences between other regions, all regions share relatively the same stats. I then grew curious. Why are these champions not seeing play? What are the opinions of gamers regarding those champions?
※ "Gamer's Comment" was taken from the biggest 'League of Legends' online community in Korea, Inven. The pick rate stats were taken from 'Leagueofgraphs'
■ 127th(1.9%) Most Picked Champion - 'Azir'

Azir is a champion who has fallen victim to a balance patch. His base stats are considered too low by many. He then started seeing even less play when the item, 'Adaptive Helm' was released.
◆ Gamer's Comment:
- "When you are facing an Azir, just have your jungler stroll by mid. You will immediately win lane."
- "Why not send Azir botlane as an "AP" Carry? I think it's better that way."
■ 128th(1.8%) Most Picked Champion - 'Kindred'

Once upon a time, Kindred used to rule over all of the jungle that sat atop the Summoner's Rift. However, after a patch that took away Kindred's "% health" damage, she fell into a coffin. Currently, her range increases the longer a game lasts due to her kit; but she has a win rate of 40% before 20 minutes.
◆ Gamer's Comment:
- "I would rather prefer jungle Twitch or Kog'Maw over Kindred. They don't need stacks to gain range."
- "Kindred wanted a nice plastic surgery to fix her jaws... but the doctors took away her entire jawbone and ran away."
■ 129th(1.7%) Most Picked Champion - 'Mordekaiser'

His damage is decent, and as a matter of fact, his 1vs1 is one of the strongest in League... but he's too slow. He always remained a questionable pick despite having seen play on the professional stage as a support/ADC.
◆ Gamer's Comment:
- "Pro: Ridiculously strong when you get to melee range. Con: Can't get to melee range."
- "Mordekaiser is a hidden counter pick to Yorick."
ㄴ"What are the chances of a Mordekaiser running into Yorick?"
■ 130th(1.6%) Most Picked Champion - 'Nunu'

Being one of the few "original" champions, Nunu saw both the glory of being a powerful pick and the shame of being a weak one over his long history. As a champion that largely depends on teamwork and composition, it's no wonder he barely sees play in Solo Queue.
◆ Gamer's Comment:
- "Nunu is a good champion, but he definitely has his limits."
- "He used to be the worst champion that quickly became the best... only to become the worst again."
■ 131st(1.6%) Most Picked Champion - 'Ryze'

Ryze was fun and easy to play for most users in the past. However, after his rework, Ryze lost his "unique" style and was reduced to a mere "bald guy" with hard to land combos. Ryze used to be notorious for his consistent and reliable damage. But now, he has the lowest win rate out of all 137 champions in League.
◆ Gamer's Comment:
- "Ryze used to be played so often in the past, so I don't miss him now that he's gone."
- "If you won a game with Ryze, you could've most likely won that game with any other champion."
■ 132nd(1.6%) Most Picked Champion - 'Karthus'

Although Karthus can barely do anything if the rest of the team is struggling, he is actually quite strong. He has a very simple playstyle, and his win rate is not too shabby. His kit, however, could be seen as boring when compared to other, more "unique" champions. The addition of the item, 'Edge of Night', reduced the fear people had for Karthus' ult.
◆ Gamer's Comment:
- "Karthus is a great champion. What's even greater is the fact that no one plays him[so I don't need to worry about him]."
- "Karthus doesn't feel like a mage; he feels more like an AP warrior."
■ 133rd(1.2%) Most Picked Champion - 'Udyr'

Udyr lacks the power spike upon hitting level 6 like most other champions. Although he runs fast, that's all he can ever do - just run. Udyr never had his "strong moment" over the course of League's history and has always remained unpopular.
◆ Gamer's Comment:
- "I think Riot hates Udyr."
- "The meta shifts constantly, bringing new champions to the meta. But for Udyr, the meta can shift 10 times, and he'll still see no play."
■ 134th(1.0%) Most Picked Champion - 'Aatrox'

For a long time, Aatrox was considered weak. After Riot's rework on the champion, people said that he got even weaker. Many players attribute his decent win rate to the fact that only a select few players(Aatrox mains) play him.
◆ Gamer's Comment:
- "His lore makes him seem unstoppable. But in reality, he's trash."
- "I just imagined getting Aatrox in ARAM. I want to puke."
■ 135th(0.9%) Most Picked Champion - 'Aurelion Sol'

The few who mains Aurelion Sol are a force to be reckoned with in Solo Queue. But his skill design is too hard to master. There are other champions that could do what Sol does but does it easier. CLG's Huhi displayed fantastic usage of Sol in the LCS. But Solo Queue is Solo Queue.
◆ Gamer's Comment:
- "If I had to pick the hardest champion to play in League, I'd pick Aurelion Sol."
- "Players are either really good or really bad on this champion."
■ 136th(0.9%) Most Picked Champion - 'Skarner'

In truth, Skarner isn't too terrible of a champ. But let's be honest, there are many other champions that could do what Skarner does, but even better. His biggest weakness is the fact that Skarner is too dependant on his ult. Although Skarner received the ability to stun targets on his rework, it came at a cost of losing his ability to indefinitely slow those he hit with Q.
◆ Gamer's Comment:
- "I hate it when Tahm swallows me after I use my ult."
- "Skarner depends too much on 'Trinity Force'. He's just a sandbag until you get it."
■ 137th(0.9%) Most Picked Champion - 'Ivern'

Ivern is a peaceful champion that is a friend to the many jungle creeps. Due to his peaceful nature, however, his damage is close to non-existent, and his jungle clear speed isn't fast enough to make up for it. Upon running into an enemy jungler, you may have to face your death... Ivern is also pretty ugly.
◆ Gamer's Comment:
- "Whether I meet him as an enemy or a teammate, I hate my games where Ivern is played."
- "Ivern's face in the official champion illustration makes me want to beat him up."
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Comments :2
level 1 Lordlogic
Morde and Nunu are all I needed to see that confirms this isn't a good list. They don't see much play in NA or EU that's for sure, but they are monsters in their own right, Nunu having a stint as the best Jungle in solo queue for several patches only two or so weeks ago, and Morde dominating solo queue in Korea forcing bans akin to Zac, an OK list, but not a great one.
level 1 Kensington
@LordlogicThe list's is about the 11 least played camps of leauge.
The list shows the 11 least played champs.
The list is good in the sense that it is correct and factual.