More has been revealed inside the Karmasylvian region including Grana, the capital city, in the Karmasylvian Part 2 update in Black Desert Online. New parts of the region were added from west to southwest of the Karmasylvian entrance already added in the Part 1 update, and the size of all these lands put together is equivalent to that of Mediah.
There are 20 new nodes in total. When you are opening a new trading route, you might want to keep in mind that these nodes are not connected directly to Trent but to the nodes placed on the western part of Karmasylvia, like Valtarra - Altar of Training, Poplar Tree Ruins, Holo Forest, Central Lemoria Camp, and Shady Tree Forest.
There are few resource nodes in the Karmasylvian region; there are only 7 nodes that have resource nodes, although the materials produced at these nodes are all new items, and you can gain Volcanic Conical Mushrooms, Green Tube Mushrooms, Blue Conical Mushrooms, Pink Trumpet Mushrooms, White Conical Mushrooms, White Flower Mushrooms, Green Ore, Ring Tree Sap, and Vedelona.
There are two main routes that lead to the new areas of Kamasylvia. If you move towards the west of the Shady Tree Forest, placed in south Karmasylvia, you’ll be able to pass the Lemoria Beacon Mounds and head straight for Grana, the Karmasylvian capital city. Choosing this route will save you time if you have any business to be done in Grana.
You can head towards Acher Guard Post by going down the mountain ridge on the west of Trent then go around towards the north. If you want to grind in the Loopy Tree Forest after you enter Calpheon or Heidel, it is better to go over the ridge than go around towards Grana.

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Comments :2
level 1 Rade
What is going on with that node all the way in the southeast connected to Lemoria beacon mounds? I haven't seen that in other resources, and trying to navigate to it says the area is inaccessible even though I can walk right to where it shows on the map.
level 1 Yullie
@RadeHi, the screenshot of the map was taken right after Kamasylvia Part 2 was updated in KR and the world map used to show that unlabeled node in KR. The node at the bottom right corner has neither a label nor a node manager. That node doesn't actually exist.