Of all of Overwatch’s cast of characters, few are more polarizing than Widowmaker. You either love her, or hate her, but there’s no denying that she can be a powerful force in the right hands. These six elite assassins blur the line between human skill and the perfection of code.
Personne n'échappe à mon regard.
1. Two pop drop shot right out of the gate.
Widowmaker is a notable counter to the classic Phara/Mercy duo, but I don’t think any of these three players quite expected this. Seconds into the match and the attacking team is demoralized by a textbook drop shot. Widow herself just sits stunned, wondering how she even managed to do that.
2. Defense hero? Yeah right.
The best offense is a good defense, right? Something like that. Whatever the case, Widowmaker is having none of that last second hold down the point business. She even manages to pop a Mercy mid-flight, surely stopping an epic team revive. Tip to all you Mercy players: if you notice the Widowmaker on your team is capable of shots like these, don't be stingy with your damage boost!
RELATED: 6 clips that make team wipes look easy.
3. Silky smooth from kill to kill.
Between the constant crouch spam, to the extremely fluid transition from kill to kill, you will never be able to convince me that this isn’t a robot. I don’t know if this is a new pro strat, or if they found the hidden sniper stabilizer upgrade but, either way, it's working. Now for a quick moment of silence for the kill stolen from pulse bomb.
4. A real Widowmaker main never misses.
With Reaper’s constant mission failure, Talon has been rather low on funds lately. Widowmaker has to make every single shot connect, and none of that spray and pray sniper to assault rifle nonsense. Seven dead on shots, five confirmed kills, that’s a bargain you just can’t pass up.
5. Double 360 drop shot madness.
There’s something so weirdly wholesome about this clip. After the first, very impressive, 360 shot, he’s incredibly happy with himself. I would be too. Clearly, this is something he’s practiced and it's finally paying off. Does he dare? Does he dare try it again? Of course he does! And this time, he can’t even believe he was able to pull it off twice. Godspeed, excited Widowmaker trick-shotter.
6. Next time you might want to try some dive.
This whole situation is just a perfect storm for any Widowmaker. Standing comfortably in the back, with plenty of open room for firing and squishies abound. If you don’t want to be on the receiving end of this meat grinder, you should definitely pick up some dive. How would you have prevented this disaster? Winston or Genji?
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