On July 12nd (KST), The second match of 27th day of 2017 LCK Summer Split ended with KT Rolsters defeating Jin Air Green Wings with a 2-1 record. Saehyung "Mata" Cho showed a solid performance with Thresh and Zyra and served a vital role in the team's victory.
Here is our interview with Saehyung "Mata" Cho.
Congratulations on your win today. How are you feeling right now?
I was worried because this was our first match after coming back from the Rift Rivals. We didn't get much time to practice, and there was a balance patch to boot. To top it off, JAG was doing great recently. The odds were against us, but I'm glad that we won in the end.
What was the team mood like when you lost Game 2 after a turnaround by Jin Air Green Wings?
It felt bad, but we tried to focus on the next game. We actually lost quite a few matches after taking down the enemy inhibitors, so I was not tilted as much as I have been.
You've ended the two-match losing streak. Do you think the Rift Rivals have helped you break through it?
We couldn't get enough practice during the Rift Rivals, but we learned something else along the way. We lost our matches despite being ahead for both against SK Telecom T1 and ROX Tigers, so we tried to improve on our weaknesses that we've shown in those matches.
The botlane metagame has been changed dramatically. Can you tell us your opinion about the current botlane meta?
Kalista and Kog'Maw should be the center of the composition. Kalista can make a lot of plays from the early game, and Kog'Maw has a strong late game. Ashe and Varus used to be great, but unless you are sure that you can effectively end the game in the early game, the champions that are popular nowadays are definitely better. The rise of tanky supports may also be related as well.
JAG blindpicked Braum in Game 3. What is your opinion on that pick?
We've picked Zyra against Braum, but Braum is not a bad pick against Zyra. It could suffer a bit during the laning phase, but it makes up for it in teamfights. It might have been difficult for us to win if we were not ahead in the laning phase. Since there were a lot of bans aimed at supports and we picked Kalista, we wanted to put more pressure through Zyra. Deft wanted me to play something else, but I told him that I'll carry the game.
You were defeated by JAG's Yasuo in Game 2. What was it like to play against Yasuo?
I'm not sure about the laning phase, but I think it's a fine choice in a composition with a lot of airborne potential. Still, it's not a good pick, and I think we lost due to our own mistakes. It can do pretty well against Gnar, but it's certainly dangerous to blindpick him.
Thank you for your time, do you have anything that you want to share?
We are still losing games after being ahead in those games, but we are also trying to improve ourselves with the Worlds on mind. We deserve to be criticized when we play poorly and lose the match. However, there is a line that shouldn't be crossed not just for my team, but also for all other teams. As far as I know, every pro team is doing the best that they can.
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