On July 9th (HKT), the finals of 'Rift Rivals Red' ended with LPL being crowned as the champion after they defeated LCK 3-1. As expected, the unexpected result of the match caused the reactions of Korean fans to be more varied and heated than ever during the Rift Rivals. Here are the reactions of Korean fans translated into English.

Game 1 - SSG vs EDG
SSG's draft is a bit off.
- I think EDG drafted much better
- One mistake in macro and everything will just fall apart.
What are they thinking? Giving away both Kalista and Rakan...
(Ambition gets FBed) Ambition strikes again lol
Gragas needs to step up, but it's not going well...
It's going to be bad if CuVee dies too...
Gold difference is only 1k even when kill score is 0-7. Go SSG!
lol 0/3/0 Renek casually solo killing 0/0/5 Kled...
- That's why you go for BotRK
- Blade that ruins Kings
- Difference of 2 levels and a core item
All in all though, our Ashe is doomed.
- Orianna isn't doing well considering how she was cared for
- I knew it was over when drafting was done...
Is Ambition ill today? He is really not doing very well...
- Everyone is going to get whipped except Ruler.
- Are they avoiding Gragas ult or is Ambition missing it?
Are they addicted to Baron? Why are they overextending for Baron so much?
- Messed up draft, messed up Baron calls...
(After EDG gets Ace) Crown didn't do anything.
- LPL might actually win this match.
- This has been SSG's worst performance this year.
I just don't get why they blind-picked Ashe. Kalista is so much better at forcing skirmishes, and support's initiation is really good, so she's a perfect pick for EDG that likes to do teamfights. If SSG was to win this they needed to play more aggressively, but only Ruler was in a good shape.
- They could have at least banned Kalista, but they got cocky.
- I don't get why they blind picked Ashe.
- Varus and Ashe are good picks only if Caitlyn and Kalista are gone... Why would they blind pick Ashe when Kalista is available?
- The problem was giving them both Kalista and Rakan.
- They could have got Rek'Sai instead.
- Giving them Kalista-Rakan was one thing, but picking Orianna against them was another.
[SSG's] macro was solid, but EDG's comp was too explosive. I think SSG underestimated EDG's draft game despite the fact that they have Coach NoFe on board.
I know LCK has been doing great until now, but that was just way too much. If they didn't do well in the group stage, they needed to have done plenty of practice with good feedback - but they didn't. They needed to have prepared better when they barely won their group stage matches, but they got worse instead. LCK seems to be cocky after winning so many tournaments, I guess they need to get 0-3ed here and lose the Worlds to get some senses into them.
Why would they let their hubris get better of them? I wish they'd all learn from SKT. Kkoma always scolds SKT when they do poorly against weaker teams.
So SKT will be going in for Game 2?
- Is this where SKT wins but KT and MVP loses for LPL to take the tournament?
- If SKT wins they'll be a runner-up without losing a game.
- I guess the Blank Knight has to save the entire LCK now.
- Wait, Blank is not playing? That might be bad...

Game 2 - SKT vs WE
Wouldn't it be better to ban Galio?
- SKT is famous for not caring about Galio.
SKT's draft seems too cocky, but I trust in SKT.
- Just as we are confused about SKT's draft, I'm sure Chinese fans are confused about WE not banning out Faker.
- I expect people will be apologizing for doubting SKT in 20 minutes.
- SKT's composition is really strong in the early game. If WE crumbles, it'll be over in 20 minutes; but WE will win if they pull through.
Peanut forgot to change his setting after playing PUBG
(After Faker gets FBed) This can't be happening.
- Crap, Kog'Maw gets the kill.
- Why did you overextend?
Faker can't pressure mid, and Huni is losing his lane... sigh
- We have to count on MVP to win if we lose this game T_T
Why is Faker not behind in CS? Is Faker getting all the CS or is Galio just missing a ton?
(Faker gets killed again) Well, this is the usual SKT's losing scenario when Faker loses his lane.
Kkoma: ...I shouldn't have brought Huni along.
How are they going to stand up to Kog'Maw and Galio in late game?
- Huni and Faker is killing it...for WE.
- I love SKT but this is too much.
You have to get through Galio AND kill Kog'Maw? Since when LoL had achievements?
- They are nuts.
- It's even worse than SSG...
Is this game rigged? Both draft and level 1 invade is just inconceivable.
(After Dragon teamfight) That went better than expected
- Jax is kinda back
- Bang always steps up when things get hard.
- However, that'll be for naught if SKT can't get Kog'Maw.
- Galio is freakin strong
Bang did well enough. If only Faker didn't play like Bronze...
- Not even Faker can do anything against Galio.
- Bang's juke is so good...but he's not dealing damage. T_T
- Ashe is good, Jax is coming back...but it's still over if Cass can't get back in shape. I don't think it's going to happen.
It's simply Faker's fault.
- Do we have to rely on KT and MVP now?
WE is not even trying their best now.
- Galio is invincible lol
- Even the casters suggested banning Kog'Maw...
- That was one of the worst games that I've ever seen.
Score's curse strikes again.
Hubris in draft + Mid and Top performance gap
- Everyone is nuts today
- What's going on with LCK teams? It feels like 2015 all over again.
- This has to be rigged. There's no other way of explaining this.
- It's going to end 3-0 alright...For LPL.
I'm watching this at a netcafe and people are increasingly frustrated. This can't be happening...
KT and MVP must be relieved. Even if they lose SSG and SKT are going to take all the blame lol
I don't want to see LPL fans thinking that LPL is the best...

Game 3 - KT vs OMG
This is it KT, crush them in 20 minutes and turn the match around! Go KT!
This looks good on LCK. If KT and MVP wins every LCK team's record becomes 2-1. Then everyone walks away happy that they've contributed something to the tournament and everyone will be grateful to one another. Please!
Ashe again? Isn't she a trap?
- Ruler did his best with Ashe in Game 1 but it just didn't work. Why does Deft have to go with her?
PawN has to do really well for KT's composition. PawN has to roam and deal tons of damage in teamfights for that composition to work.
KT looks like they are playing at the Worlds finals.
- They look so serious.
(After OMG's FB) LPL gets FB three times in a row.
- LPL's jungle is so much better.
- Are we going to get 0-3ed?
LPL's laning is so much stronger than before.
- Is this how they are repaying us for THAAD?
- LPL's draft is on point as well.
- KT's macro is the best so far. They'd look like 2014 SSG White if they get better at teamfights
(After winning the skirmish around blue camp) lol Score
- KT is doing better than SSG and SKT
- KT knows LPL very well.
- We only have KT left to count on...
- LCK's last hope...T_T
- KT = Korean Top
With three LPL experts, KT really shines
- Going for turret really worked well. They are much better at teamfights.
- DAE remember how we bashed KT in the group stage?
- See? Going abroad to see the world works anywhere.
It would have been so much better if we won either Game 1 or 2, but since we lost both...
Even if MVP loses after KT takes Game 3, we have to forgive them. Don't forget that Game 1 and 2 were SKT and SSG's fault, no less.
- It'd be great if MVP wins, and expected if they lose.
- I don't think I'll get over how much SKT and SSG sucked.
(KT wins a huge teamfight in mid) KT BOYS
- We are going to Game 4!
- Score really saved us T_T I thought we'd get 0-3ed...
Wait, aren't we done for if MVP loses? Welp, we lost.
- People of Earth Unite! Raise your hands up for MVP!
- MVP must be feeling really tense. They'd be like "What do we do if we lose?"
- If MVP wins Game 4, they become heroes; but even if SKT wins Game 5 they still messed this up.
(After the last teamfight) Corki's damage is insane.
- Thanks KT!
- Praise PawN! Praise Smeb
It's all up to MVP now. Everyone except KT is goner if they lose...Go MVP!
- Let's go MVP! let's turn this match around!
- We believe in MVP
- What did MVP do to deserve it? It's SKT and SSG that needs to be flamed.

Game 4 - MVP vs RNG
- Well, you know how we are good with bows at Olympics...
- You'd think Ashe was the Korean champion instead of Ahri.
- We lost draft again.
- Seriously?
- Poppy could actually be decent. It's better for ADD to play a tanky champion than to play a bruiser against Camille.
- Well, ADD is good with Poppy...
(After MVP's FB) First Blood!
- Casters are going wild
- We are back to Spring Split boys
- The ninth team is going to save the day! It's crazy!
MVP is going back to their Spring Split performance.
- ADD's reaction is insane today
- What's gotten into Poppy? He's doing really well.
(ADD gets caught) Wait, what's going on with ADD...?
Why Poppy whyyyy
I guess his real skill is surfacing.
(After MVP gets the first Baron) That's how MVP gets Baron!
- That could have gone so much wrong. I'm relived.
- Nice wall stun though
- We'd win if only ADD would come back to his senses.
How come nothing is happening after getting Baron?
- That's MVP 'macro'
- They are ninth for a good reason.
- Do they voice chat turned off? I don't think ADD would have been caught if they are actually communicating.
ADD is consistently bad this split.
- At least MaHa is keeping the flame alive.
- The game would've been over if it wasn't for MaHa.
MVP's macro is so frustrating.
- What good is their composition if they are not going to initiate a teamfight ever?
(After MVP gets another Baron) Good, good...
- My heart is beating like crazy
Well, it's time for Corki and Caitlyn to end all hopes.
- Casters are now crying teamfight after teamfight.
- The compositions' strength is incomparable. It's over.
I knew this was going to happen, but it's frustrating nonetheless.
- MVP did well enough.
- It's SKT and SSG's fault for being cocky.
They live to see another teamfight... MaHa is really hanging on.
DAMN IT. SSG and SKT had better swim back to Korea.
- After watching MVP play, I don't think I can forgive SKT and SSG for losing like that.
- I'm upset how LPL fans are going to act like they are the best.
Let's not bash MVP. They must've been really nervous, and I think they did well compared to what we've expected. It's SSG and SKT that were the problems.
Poor score. No trophy for you again...
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