Maia is a Helix-type close-ranged Tanker. She deals close-ranged damage by slashing her sword at a moderate speed, but the radius is not that wide as she only attacks towards the front to attack.
As a Tank, she usually supports teammates with her high survivability rather than through direct attacks. Her skills mainly provide aid to teammates through mobility or through enhancing their survivability. She also has a skill that increases the damage and range of her attack, allowing her to deal heavy damage to enemies when necessary.
Maia can deploy herself to the battlefield instantly with her ultimate skill by teleporting to the Master with the lowest HP. Her passive skill provides a constant heal to the ally Master with the lowest HP when one of her skills is used. Her job is mainly to prevent teammates from dying during teamfights.
Recommended Master options
Recommended Augments
Combat Protocol, one of Maia’s skills, increases her attack speed and provides additional damage. Overheat allows for more continuous attacks, which enhances Combat Protocol.
Recommended skills combination
This combination is used to maximize the survivability of Maia’s teammates. Recall Tether is used to help teammates quickly join a fight or escape, and you can use Savior Protocol to generate a shield and increase a teammate's survivability, allowing your team to maintain the frontline.
Anti-Kinesis Barrier is usually used for halting an enemy’s approach, but it can also be used for stopping their escape. Combat Protocol can then be used to deal heavy damage to enemies..
As Maia tends to support teammates with skills quite often, Skill Cooldown Reduction or any nodes that help maintain MP would be beneficial. Nodes that increase Health and Defense in Defensive node slots are recommended in order to increase survivability.
Recommended Auxiliary skill
Maia’s skills provide mobility that allows her to join the fight easily, and some also provide constant healing. Since she isn’t lacking in those areas, Titan’s Gaze would be a good choice, as it allows you to keep vision on the map, so you can more easily determine where you are needed most.
Traits priority
As she needs to stay on the battlefield longer than her ally Masters, the Traits that increases her survivability should take priority. Health would be the first, followed by Skill Defense with the remaining Trait points.
Summary of Maia’s skills
Combat Protocol allows for aggressive gameplay. Maia is shielded for 2 seconds and her range and weapon damage are increased upon use of the skill. You can use this for an instant damage boost or when you need to harass a nearby enemy. Thanks to the shield, this ability can also help when Maia is being focused by the enemy.
By casting Recall Tether, the Master places a recall pad at the targeted area for 5 seconds, and allies who step on the pad are pulled towards Maia. Maia gains 50% movement speed, and the skill is effective for increasing allies’ movement speed when marching towards the battlefield from the ally base.
Savior Protocol is a skill that makes the Master fly to and pick up an allied target. Maia shields the target and prevents them from taking heavy damage. Maia then dashes a moderate distance, dropping off the protected ally at the end of the dash. This skill is effective for rescuing an ally with low HP, or to help an initiator who is under CC.
Anti-Kinesis Barrier places a barrier that knocks enemies back when they touch it, but each target can only be knocked back once every 2 seconds. The general purpose is to halt an enemy advance, but it can also be used to block an opponent’s escape path. In order to effectively halt the enemy, you have to place the barrier where the enemy is headed, rather than where they are.
Pleiades Michani Dyo, Maia’s passive skill, restores 150 HP to the most wounded Master within 8 meters after using a skill. Although she does not possess any active healing skill, her passive can supplement this to a degree. During teamfights, she can support ally melee Masters by recovering their HP. Boost to Get Through! is Maia’s survival skill which quickly sends her dashing 7 meters.
Synergy Protocol is Maia’s ultimate skill, and it allows her to teleport to the ally with the lowest HP. Moreover, the skill grants invincibility to the ally for 2 seconds. This skill allows her to provide prompt backup from anywhere on the map, so be sure to keep track of your teammates in case one might be saved by your ult.
Using Maia - collaboration with teammates is crucial
Maia is a Master who usually acts as a tank, but can also act as a support when the need arises. As a tank, she intercepts incoming enemy projectiles and attacks, and as a support, she can help allies quickly join teamfights, escape from danger, and generally keep them living longer and happier lives.
When the match begins, it is best to tag along with an ally. However, you could also take down jungle monsters to level up. It is not easy for Maia to deal effective damage even with Combat Protocol and thus it takes quite a long time to take down jungle monsters. So if you wish to hunt monsters in the jungle, be sure to have a tagged Master that is capable of easily clearing the jungle.
Even if the tagged Master is a tank or a support, you need to level up as quickly as you can. Since Maia needs to stay alive and protect her team, taking the brunt of enemy attacks is not an advisable choice when you are under-leveled.
During teamfights, avoid charging into the enemy team. Even though Maia’s survivability is reasonably above average, it is not as high as you would expect, so taking focused fire can easily lead to her death. Therefore, it is recommended that you hold back a bit and support initiators or melee Masters. When the enemy approaches, Maia needs to rescue those with low HP without getting caught by the enemy’s concentrated fire.
You can also interrupt the enemy approach by using Anti-Kinesis Barrier. Knocking back enemy Masters will disrupt their timing, and possibly even provide an opening for a counter attack. This can be especially useful if an enemy Master is trying to initiate a teamfight. Place the barrier in the Master’s path, and then your team can single them out.
Use Recall Tether to help your teammates quickly join the fray, but be sure to also make use of the speed boost Maia gets from using the skill.
If you cannot use Recall Tether to reach an ally who is in a dire situation, then use Maia’s ultimate instead. Follow up her ult with Savior Protocol to keep them alive, and then switch to your tagged Master if that Master has more firepower than Maia. This combo can take the enemy by surprise is usually quite effective.
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