Ignuma is a mid-ranged Ardent Juggernaut. He is capable of protecting alllies while also harassing enemies at the same time. For his weapon attack, Ignuma swings his Pyro Blade to fling fire at his opponent.
He has two dash skills that are almost like instant teleports, and he can also push enemies back or use fear to keep them from controlling their own Masters. You can use these skills to save your allies when they’re in danger, or you can use them to bring an enemy into the jaws of your allies. These skills deal very little damage to enemy Masters, so it is best to stick to supporting rather than going for kills.
While he does not deal much damage, Ignuma’s survivability is very high considering he has no defensive skills other than his ult, Stoke the Coals. Due to his passive skill, Incinerate, he will keep recovering HP whenever he uses a skill and the healing effect for his ult is very high.

▣ Just 30 seconds before the battle starts! Recommended Master options
◆ Recommended Augments

Since Ignuma’s weapon attacks don’t make up much of his total dealt damage, upgrading his weapon attack won’t provide much benefit. It’s better to choose Overheat and try to poke at enemies as long as possible.
◆ Recommended Skill Combinations

This skill combo will let you instantly dash towards the enemies to attack. The mobility of these skills is great, although the CC effect is quite poor.

This skill combo will let you bring one enemy Master towards your allies. You’ll only be able to make proper use of it if you are somewhat close to your target.
◆ Node Compatibility

Ignuma’s Nodes are made up of 2 Offensive, 3 Defensive, and 1 Auxiliary Node. I recommend using either Defense or Health Nodes to enhance your defense, and Skill Cooldown Reduction for the Auxiliary Node.
◆ Recommended Spell

Ignuma’s one best trait is his high HP recovery rate. Using Recovery Pulse will further boost that trait.
◆ Traits Priority

Due to Ignuma’s passive skill, Incinerate, the more you use skills, the more HP you will recover. Because of this, it is good to upgrade Cooldown/Resource to both deal damage and recover HP, and Skill Defense to withstand powerful skill attacks from your enemies.
▣ Unique AoE and long range! V-Merang’s Skill Set
Pyrobarrier is a defensive skill that lets you block the next oncoming attack. Upon blocking an attack, you’ll teleport forward while releasing a damaging explosion behind you; you can use this skill for wide AoE damage, defense, or simply for mobility.
Set Ablaze is a toggled skill that sets an area ablaze, causing periodic damage to nearby enemies. The ignited area follows Ignuma, and isn’t that useful as it has low damage and no additional effects.
Fiery Advance is a skill that lets you charge towards the targeted direction. If you collide with any enemy in the way, you’ll release a damaging explosion and push back any surrounding enemies. This is a great skill to use when your enemies are clustered in a group, and if you can cause the explosion to go off well, you’ll be able to single out enemy Masters from their teammates.
Elemental Wrath is a skill that hurls a flaming orb at a target, terrorizing it for 1.5 seconds, and inflicting fire damage to nearby enemies. Once terrorized, your target loses control and won’t be able to move for a short period of time, so using this skill at the right moment will let you tip team fights in your favor.

Ignuma’s ult, Stoke the Coals, will recovers 20% of Ignuma’s HP in an instant. 100 HP will be recovered additionally for each burning target within the skill range, although the maximum HP recovery is limited to 700.
His passive skill is Incinerate, which burns any target hit with Ignuma’s skills for 5 seconds and recovers a small amount of Ignuma’s HP. The burning can be stacked up to 4, and for every 4th stack Ignuma will inflict extra damage, removing the burning debuff.
Using Ignuma’s survival skill, Molten Shield, will make Ignuma raise a shield and enter a defensive stance for 4 seconds. During this time, the shield will block projectile attacks from the front and nullify CC effects. It will also grant Ignuma 15% increased movement speed for 2 seconds. You can move while casting the skill, although you can not use your skills or weapon attacks and can only face the direction you were looking when your cast it. You can cancel the skill by clicking your RMB.

▣ Chip away at your enemy’s HP! How to effectively play Ignuma
Ignuma is basically a Juggernaut that protects his allies. However, he doesn’t have any protective skills other than his survival skill. So instead of being a damage sponge, you should play by poking and harassing your enemies to keep them from focusing on your allies. He is lacking in offensive ability, so it’s better to use him by switching when he is needed, rather than using him on a regular basis.
His passive skill, Incinerate, is a great skill that suits his role. You can burn enemies you are poking to gradually chip away at their HP, and inflict extra damage for every 4 stacks. Continuously inflicting damage with Ignuma’s passive will keep the enemy occupied and away from your teammates.
Ignuma’s main skills are Fiery Advance and Elemental Wrath. Aside from dealing damage, these skills also have knockback and terror effects that you can use separately or in a skill combo. The best thing about it is that it doesn’t matter what order you use them in.
When endangered with low HP, you’ll be able to survive by using your ult. The enemies surrounding you should be burning if you want to maximize efficiency, so I recommend using the skill after causing enemy units to burn.

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