Black Desert Online KR had a major update last Thursday: Kamasylvia Part 2. Grana, the capital city of Kamasylvia, new grind spots in the Kamasylvia territory, new gear, and other new features were updated in BDO KR.
Some features are sensational among the players, while others are not nearly as popular. Gaifinrasia Shrine, one of the new grind spots in Kamasylvia, is popular among many players for its high efficiency in party grinding. If players form a party to grind in Gaifinrasia Shrine, they can get a huge amount of EXP as well as the chance of looting a Tungrad Belt, the newly added accessory that gives 6 AP. However, the Lemoria Armor Set is not very popular since it only has one socket for Crystals. Grana is attracting many players with its beauty and large houses.
Kamasylvia Part 2 is not available in the NA/EU server yet, so here are how the Korean BDO players evaluate the new features of Kamasylvya Part 2.
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Entire Patch Notes (Translated)
[Ring of the Forest Ronaros]
▶ Not as good as Ring of the Crescent Guardian.
▶ It could be the best ring if the enhancement effects were 2 AP and 2 DP. (The enhancement effects are 2 AP and 1 DP)

[Tungrad Belt]
▶ The best belt. High AP and Black Spirit’s Rage +20%.
▶ 160% Black Spririt’s Rage if you wear it with Tungrad Earring and Necklace.
▶ No one is going to use Basilisk's Belt anymore.
▶ Now I have to sell my TRI Basilisk's Belt.

[Oath of Grana Earring, Harmony of Grana Ring, and Protection of Grana Necklace]
▶ The Ring is better than Sahazad’s Ring of Monarch, which is not trending anymore.
▶ They are good accessories for new or returning players who cannot afford enhancing accessories.
▶ One downside is that you need 3 level 58 characters to get the full set. (One character is allowed to get one accessory by completing a questline.)
▶ It would be better if there were repeatable quests to get all three pieces.
▶ The Earring is the best. It has very high Accuracy.
▶ The Necklace is a good replacement for the Ogre Ring.
▶ You get one of the three after completing the newly added quests, and you can only start the quests after completing the Kamasylvia Part 1 questline. Considering the difficulty of the Kamasylvia Part 1 quests, chances are high that you already have better gear.

[Peridot Path Wagon]
▶ It has infinite durability. I’m definitely getting one.
▶ It will probably look like one of the wagons standing around near Grana.
▶ The materials are crazy.
▶ The materials are extinct from the Marketplace.
▶ Grade 1 Wagon Horses can only be purchased at the Stonetail Horse Ranch and cost 15,000,000 silver each.
▶ It’s not a must-have since it’s just a wagon. But I’m getting one.
▶ We’ll have to see how fast it is when someone makes it.

[Lemoria Armor Set]
▶ It’s a lower version of the boss gear set.
▶ But in reality they are not even better than Rosar or Grunil.
▶ The Lemoria gear has only one crystal socket.
▶ They tried to encourage people to use Liverto weapons (Lemoria Armor has a set bonus with Liverto Weapons), but failed.
▶ Everyone who is grinding in Kamasylvia already has end game or close to end game gear. What’s the point of this Armor Set anyway? They should have made the gear drop in lower level spots.
▶ Blue items need more money for Enhancement than Green items do, but it seems like they didn’t take that into consideration when making this Armor Set.
▶ We’ll have to wait until Reformation for Lemoria Armor comes out.
▶ No one really uses Liverto weapons, so the set bonus was a failure.
▶ Why only one crystal socket? Why are they making better crystals but giving us new equipment with only one socket?

[Dineh, the legendary horse]
▶ Beautiful. Even more gorgeous than Arduanatt (another T9 horse).
▶ Dineh gives survivability buffs to those around it. Does that mean I have to run toward the enemies and be surrounded by them? The horse is going to die.
▶ Arduanatt has better skills.
▶ You can get Dineh by following the exact same method you used to get Arduanatt. It is so much better to get Arduanatt if the steps are exactly the same.

[Grana, the capital city of Kamasylvia]
▶ 15 Contribution Points per house is a lot.
▶ But it will be worth the points. The houses are very large and exceptionally beautiful.
▶ That’s why BDO KR is holding a housing screenshot contest.
▶ Those who like to decorate their houses will love this place.
▶ I’m moving to Grana right now.
▶ Grana No. 4 and No. 6 are the best houses in BDO.
▶ Grana No. 4 is big enough to have a Cooking Station and Alchemy Station together. I think I’ll have to leave Heidel.
[Polly Forest - Level 53 to 55]
▶ There’s only one kind of regular monster loot and the weight is very light. You do not even need a maid.
▶ Not many people grind in Polly Forest. Also, it’s close to Grana.
▶ The recommended level is 53 to 55, but actually it’s not. It’s hard to grind here if you are between level 53 and 55, unless you are wearing the good gear that your main character has.
▶ The monsters’ field of view is too wide. There’s no time to rest because there are always mobs running towards you from somewhere far away.
▶ The Imps have high Defense and are immune to too many crowd controls.

[Ring Tree Forest: Fadus Garrison - Level 55 to 57]
▶ It’s a lesser version of Sausan. You make less money than you do in Sausan, and the distance from the nearest village is too far.
▶ Common loot costs 1200 silver coins, and you get about 5000 per hour with an Item Scroll. Not very efficient.
▶ No Forbidden Book or Scroll written in Ancient Language.
▶ They said it’s going to be similar to Sausan but no.
▶ It would be a much better grind spot if the Lemoria Armor Set had two crystal sockets and there were a Kamasylvia version of Ancient Relic Crystal Shard.

[Tooth Fairy’s Forest - Level 59 and over]
▶ No people here.
▶ Ring of the Forest Ronaros is not that good.
▶ No one actually grinds here since Ring of the Crescent Guardian is so much better than Ring of the Forest Ronaros.
▶ I would rather grind in Gaifinrasia Shrine. The recommended levels for both spots are not much different.

[Gaifinrasia Shrine - Level 60 and over]
▶ It’s a nice new grind spot for those who are level 60 or over.
▶ Actually better than Hystria Ruins.
▶ The mobs are strong, but not unkillable. If you are lucky, you can get a Tungrad Belt.
▶ Party grinding is highly recommended. Sometimes people die even if they are with a party.
▶ The common loot is expensive, and a maximum of 5 people can loot from one monster. Also, gives a lot of EXP.
▶ You can loot different items, including Forest Fury.
▶ 5 level 59 players each made 13,000,000 silver per hour. Nice grind spot, in many ways.
▶ Watch out for the Assassin’s Tower. It will shoot a laser beam at you and might kill you.
▶ Members of huge guilds are party grinding here. It’s the best spot for players who are level 60 or over and are equipped with end game gear.

[Termian Water Park] - will be updated this week.

▶ What’s with the outfit?
▶ Are those the new Pearl costumes for this week?
▶ Why are they not wearing swimsuits?
▶ Why are they wearing tin foil?
▶ I hope those costumes are not Pearl costumes.
▶ Someone actually designed that costume?
▶ The costumes look like some kind of shiny fish scale thing.
▶ Even Merv’s Pallete can’t save that costume.
▶ Shining clothes are hard to dye.
▶ I want the Water Park, but not the fish scale costume.
▶ I hope it’s a safe area, and I’d rather wear underwear than wear that silver cutlassfish costume. (Korean people like to call a shiny silver outfit a silver cutlassfish.)
* Please note that the terms/names used in this article are not official and are subject to change when the associated update is released on the NA/EU server.
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