SKT Peanut realized that it was up to him to overcome his situation.
On July 2nd (KST), SK Telecom T1 defeated MVP 2-0 and continued their winning streak in the 2017 LCK Summer Split and against MVP. Wangho "Peanut" Han returned as the starting jungler for SKT, and he was interviewed by the press after the match to share his thoughts on the match.
Congratulations on your return as the starting jungler and winning today's match. How do you feel right now?
I tended to play just one game per match recently. It feels tiring but good to be playing both games in a single match. I want to play better though.
You've returned as the starting jungler after three matches. Was it awkward to be a starting member after the break?
I was always in standby and watching the match before Game 1, so it wasn't awkward.
You've played with Untara today. How different was he compared to Huni?
We talked a lot because the top lane tends to get a lot of action. In Game 2, we talked about the top lane picks and possible outcomes before the game, and the game itself went well too. I think Untara is a bit more quiet than Huni. They have their own pros and cons as top laners, but I can play well with both.
You'll be playing in Rift Rivals this week.
It feels like going on a overseas trip. It's not an easy schedule to handle for everyone, but I'm pretty optimistic about it. I want to enjoy the tournament, and it should be fun if I win all matches.
Blank has been the starting jungler for a while. How did it feel when you had to watch the game in the waiting room?
I'm no stranger to it since my Najin years. I'm not particularly worried even if I'm not in the starting position. We just do feedback in the waiting room with coaches and Huni - mainly on opponent's mistakes and when we lose a game. We can listen to team comm in the waiting room, and I tend to listen to the voice of the player who are currently engaged in something. Coaches look at the overall situation of the entire game.
Thank you for your time. Do you have anything else that you want to share?
People around me including ex-Najin staff members cheered me up a lot. When people jokingly told me that there are players who have it more difficult than me, I realized that my situation wasn't really something hard to overcome. SKT is on a winning streak and staying on first place. I, and only I, have to do well to get more chance to play.
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