Riot Games released the Champion Roadmap, June 2017 on June 21 (KST).
The article introduced hints about reworks on Aatrox, Urgot, and Evelynn, as well as upcoming new champions. The article generally talks about the new theme, and the first transformation champion since the release of Gnar, and the information went viral among Korean players.
Here’s the list of their reactions to the revealed info.

▣ Aatrox… again?
He already received the remake last time, and he’s gonna get it again?
- He got it because his remake was planned to be done after some time. It was like giving him a respirator temporarily.
- Yeah, Riot said they were trying out a couple of things before the actual remake.
Man, Rito just remakes champions when they are bored lol. They’ll probably nerf him again after a couple of leagues and some skin sales.
▣ Hmm… remakes? But, what’s wrong with the concept?

Ok, so Urgot will become Azmodan :P
Ranged Juggernaut… Why charge in when you are a ranged?
- Exactly.
- Imagine a siege tank charging towards you… a freaking monster.
Evelynn is okay as she is now…
I believe that you can still play Evelynn like an assassin lol
- She IS an assassin
▣ Will they really become OP champions?

How OP will they become, I wonder…
- Not so much when you look at Yorick and Warwick.
- Warwick’s rework was quite successful. His win-rate has increased and the champ shows up quite often in the LCS too.
- Yorick shows up quite frequently in the solo-ranked games as well, while people are still considering him as a trash champion. I think this guy does not know what rework is.
- Although they can’t be called a huge success, they are still okay. And see how cool they look now Kappa.
- Nah, Yorick is a failure because of the ghost. The cooldown is long, it’s hard to control in a situation where you want to split push.
- The rework is a failure when you try to resurrect a dead one from a grave but becomes dead again.
- It’s called a failure because people are not using him.
- The reason why he’s not used in high tiers is because there are tons of other champs who are better at split pushing, the only thing this guy’s specialized in lol. There’s just no reason to choose him except mains.
- As a Yorick main, I’m not sure if these guys who whine about him have actually played the champ before. He’s 15th out of 53 top champions in Platinum and go even beyond that sometimes, and what else can be called a success other than this?
- First off, his playstyle is too simple to be fun, and the pick-rate is not so great in the official leagues. If you have a look at champions in the top pick-rate, most of them also show up in the LoL Championship. It means that people don’t like to play Yorick as often as other champions.
- Is the pick-rate that important when people’s champion choices change often? Those used in the leagues start to get picked more often than others almost instantly, and you still think that the rate is so influential to determine the failure? It’s totally fine as long as the win-rate is above 50% and the pick-rate is more than 1%.
- I’m not sure about Yorick, but Warwick is surelly a success. The fact that he’s not used in the LCK doesn’t mean that players in other leagues do not use him as well.
- So, you are saying that pro players also think that Yorick is good but don’t pick him because he’s not fun? There’s a reason why they are not using him and that’s the reason of failure.
- What do you think is the reason of remake? It is mainly to increase the pick-rate, but people still think of him as a trash champion and that’s why it’s a failure.
▣ Hey, I don’t think they are priorities… (feat. Urgot & Tryndamere)

- I totally understand your agony as a trynd main. Even Rito acknowledged his vague class - neither an assassin nor a tank. There’s a rumor that his remake will be done along with Teemo, so…
Nasus, Nocturne, Diana, Rammus, Lux, Malphite, Mordekaiser, Dr. Mundo, Vi, Volibear, Shyvana, Xin Zhao, Akali, Wukong, Udyr, Evelynn, Kayle, Tryndamere, and Fiddlestick. Here’s the list of champions that seriously needs reworks.
- But, what about trash Garen?
- I think Vi and Kayle are fine.
- Tryndamere is the top priority.
- Agreed.
Mate, what about Tryndamere? He’s a attack-based champion without any movement speed for god’s sake.
- He has W and E though.
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