The Epheria Frigate was added to Black Desert Online KR with the June 15th update. The ship can be built in a Tier 3 Shipyard in Epheria. Unlike the other ships, the Epheria Frigate comes with 4 cannons, making it more powerful in Ocean Battles. The ship will be a step towards more expansive Ocean content such as Ocean Hunting.
Newly added materials: Plated Pine Plywood, Jade Coral Ingot, and Enhanced Flax Fabric, are necessary for building the Epheria Frigate. These materials were also added with the June 15th update and are obtainable by Heating and Drying.

Things to get: What and how many items you need to build the Epheria Frigate
You will need Design: Epheria Frigate, Standardized Timber Square, Jade Coral Ingot, Plated Pine Plywood, and Enhanced Flax Fabric to build the Epheria Frigate. All materials except for the Design are available in the Marketplace, but there aren’t many for sale.
The Design is obtainable through a daily quest given by Philaberto Falasi. The quest is very simple. You just have to pick up a wooden box and deliver it to a certain NPC in Epheria Port. You will receive the Design as a reward. You will need a total of 25 Designs, so it will take you at least 25 days to build the Frigate.

You will need 10 Usable Scantlings to make 1 Standardized Timber Square, and 10 Logs to make 1 Usable Scantling. You will need a total of 1000 Standardized Timber Squares, meaning that you need 100,000 Logs.
The Standardized Timber Squares are not the only problem. You will need a total of 1600 Plated Pine Plywood. 1 Plated Pine Plywood requires one Pine Plywood and 10 Coconuts.
One Pine Plywood requires 10 Pine Planks, and one Plank requires 5 Pine Timber. A total of 80,000 Pine Timber and 16,000 coconuts are necessary to make all necessary Plated Pine Plywoods.
(Edit: The amount of required materials and the amount of results for Plated Pine Plywood have increased by x5 after the June 29th update in KR)

You will also need 800 Jade Coral Ingots. 5 Melted Titanium Shards and 1 Prairie Green Coral are necessary to make one ingot, and Melted Titanium Shards can be made by Heating 5 Titanium Ore. Prairie Green Coral requires 3 Green Corals and 1 Resplendent Emerald. 1 Green Coral requires 10 Coral Pieces and 1 Emerald, and Resplendent Emerald can be obtained by Grinding Emerald.
(Edit: As of the June 29th update in KR, Twilight Red Coral, Daybreak Blue Coral, Golden Sun Coral, and Breezy White Coral can replace Prairie Green Coral when Processing Jade Coral Ingot.)
A total of 20,000 Titanium Ore, 24,000 Coral Pieces, and 6,400 Emeralds are necessary to make 800 Jade Coral Ingots.
Lastly, you will need 450 Enhanced Flax Fabrics. 1 Enhanced Flax Fabric can be made by Drying 1 Flax Fabric and 1 Shining Power, and 10 Flax Threads are necessary to make 1 Flax Fabric. 5 Flax are needed to make 1 Flax Thread, and the Shining Powder can be synthesized through Alchemy.
Materials necessary to build the Epheria Frigate

Materials and Life Skills necessary to build the Epheria Frigate

Let your Workers gather the materials for you
Standardized Timber Squares requires tons of Logs, which gave the players immense agony when building the Epheria Sailboat. Logs can only be obtained through lumbering, and it is more efficient to gather Pine Timber and Logs together.
Pine Trees are widely dispersed, starting from the Northwest of Treant village and to the Southwest of Calpheon. It is possible to get both Logs and Pine Timber in the region. If you need to gather more Pine Timber, send some Workers to the Marie Cave Node. Marie Cave is located in the east of Hexe Sanctuary.
Coconuts can be manually gathered in the Areha Palm Forest Node. The Areha Palm Forest is located in the west of Arehaza village.

Titanium Ore can be collected through mining or from Resource Nodes. The Nodes that produce Titanium Ore are Crescent Shrine, Gavinya Great Crator, and Gavinya Volcano Zone. Alternatively, you can interact with Soft Sandstone, Titanium Ore, and Volcanic Rock to gather the Ore yourself. They can be found in Crescent Shrine, Bashim Habitat, Arehaza area, or anywhere in the Valencia territory.
To gather Coral Pieces, you will need to dive into the sea and use a hoe. Coral is usually in the sea where small islands are grouped together. Tinberra Island and Lerao Island are the most famous spots.
Emeralds can be obtained by processing Emerald Ore, or purchasing from the NPC Morco’s secret shop. You will have to collect the Ore from Stoneback Crabs or Sandstones. Grind the Emerald Ore to get Emeralds.
Flax and Flax Thread are relatively easy to obtain. They can be collected from the Resource Nodes in Kamasylve Temple, Costa Farm, and Moretti Farm. Alternatively, you can grow Flax yourself. Get the seed near Manes Hideout and grow it, if you have enough Contribution Points.

Prepare yourself for the new Ocean Monster, Bell
It is most likely that the Epheria Frigate is for the new Ocean Monster, Bell, which was revealed in the last Fan Festival. Pearl Abyss revealed in the Festival that there will be a new ship designed for Ocean battles which is armed with 4 cannons. The description matches the Epheria Frigate.
It has been revealed that the new ship will be very effective in fighting the Ocean Bosses in Margoria, and chances are high that the Epheria Frigate will play a big part in Ocean Hunting in the future. If you are looking forward to hunting Bell, start building the Epheria Frigate to prepare yourself for the new Ocean Hunt.

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Comments :7
level 1 Wyn10
Can the guide be update with the June 29th KR patch notes? Thank you!
The following coral can replace Prairie Green Coral when Processing Jade Coral Ingot.
- Twilight Red Coral
- Daybreak Blue Coral
- Golden Sun Coral
- Breezy White Coral
The amount of required materials and the amount of results for Plated Pine Plywood, Jade Coral Ingot, and Enhanced Flax Fabric have increased by x5.
The chances of getting additional Plated Pine Plywood, Jade Coral Ingots, and Enhanced FlaxFabrics have increased when you’re Processing level is above a certain level.source :
- 2017-11-13 03:13:12-
level 1 Yullie
@Wyn10Hi, thank you for letting me know about the update! I edited the guide so it includes the changes made in the June 29th KR update. Thanks!
level 1 Kuromaru_
Melting Rosar Weapons will only get you Traces of Memory, Melted Iron Shards and Pure Titanium Crystal.
level 1 Yullie
@Kuromaru_Hi, sorry for the misinformation and thank you for notifying us about it. I just removed the part from the post so it doesn't include any wrong information anymore. Please let me know if you have any other questions or find any errors. Thank you!
level 1 Malphie
@YullieIt's out of topic but do you have that dk template?;
level 1 Yullie
@MalphieHi, the DK template you asked about is created by a Korean player. He posted a screenshot of his character in BDO Inven KR, but it looks like he did not share the template with anyone. I also checked the Beauty Album but could not find the template you are looking for :( I'm sorry I could not help you with this one =( Please let me know if I can help you with anything else and I'll be happy to help you. My apologies again :(
level 1 Malphie
@YullieNo, it's ok :'( No problem at all