SKT T1 Sanghyeok “Faker” Lee is very concerned about the recent underwhelming performance and said he'll work to improve it.
On June 4, SKT T1 defeated bbq Olivers 2-0 in the second matchup of Day 5 LCK Summer Split 2017, held at Gangnam Nexon Arena, securing the first victory of the season. In Game 1, Faker terrorized the Rift with Taliyah, whereas he led the team to victory in Game 2 with Galio by harassing key enemy damage dealers during crucial moments.
Below is the post-match interview with Faker.
How does it feel to get the first win in this split?
I’m very concerned about this Summer Split. I’m relieved to have won today though. I think we’ll have to get many more wins in the upcoming matches.
What were you so concerned about?
I was concerned because our performance wasn’t up to par. Things got considerably worse after losing the first match.
What kind of feedback did you receive after losing 2-0 to Samsung?
We exchanged general feedback starting from jet lag. I think being jet lagged is a secondary matter. We specifically discussed more about our performance because we weren’t performing all around.
How would you rate your Galio plays in Game 2?
I think I lost a lot of fights because I picked the ones that were unfavorable for my team. We were often in uncomfortable situations when we first gave up a quadra kill because we weren’t well-coordinated.
What are your thoughts on Huni’s top Lucian in Game 1?
He’s been playing a lot of top Lucian in solo queue. I guess he felt his Lucian was ready.
Why didn’t you take Syndra even though she was open and she’s known as a competitive pick?
I’m trying to take picks that complement my team’s comp well.
Mid laners have a strong image of dealing explosive damage. Did you feel you were held back while playing Galio?
Though I chose a tank champion, it’s all good because I was named MVP. [laughs]
Wolf said in the broadcast interview earlier that his goal was to win Worlds. Do you feel the same way?
My ultimate goal is also to win Worlds. My short-term goal is to regain my form.
What do you think about the next match up against Longzhu, which is on a 2-win streak?
I got the sense that Longzhu is definitely different this time around. I think we have our work cut out for us.
How do you feel about Ever8 Winners Cepted’s performance?
I think he’s been playing really well. He seems consistently good.
Any thoughts on the upcoming Rift Rivals in July?
I want to win all tournaments. I’ll work very hard for this one as well.
You guys have been on a very busy schedule. How does it affect you?
I’m okay because I’m used to this kind of schedule, but my teammates may be under a lot of strain.
Anything else you’d like to say to your fans?
I’ve been very concerned coming into this Summer Split, and I imagine fans are as well. I’ll do my best to overcome it and try to give you the best performance.
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