Striker Awakening and the Awakening Weapon for the Striker were released on May 25th (KST) for Black Desert Online Korea. The “Battle-God Armor”, the Awakening weapon for the Striker, and the “Spiritual Clone” drew a lot of attention from players all around the world and the Korean players Awakened their Strikers as soon as the update was done.
The reaction towards the new Weapon changed drastically as time passed. At first a lot of people thought the Awakening skills were OP. The damage percentage was really high and many of the skills had Forward Guard or Invincibility effect. However, as more people actually tried the skills, their opinions shifted. Some people started to argue that the clone is not much help and it lacks Accuracy.
Below are the Korean BDO players’ opinions towards the Striker Awakening and his Awakening Weapon. Most people are still experimenting with the skills so the meta might change, but it will give you a general idea regarding the “Battle-God Armor” and the Clone.

▶ I’m a level 60 Striker. The Clone can’t hit the target in PvP. This one skill is super long and I have to wait until the Clone is done with his attacks. PvE is good because the Awakening skills have a wide area of effect, but kind of slow in grinding because again, I’d have to wait until the Clone is done with his attacks.
▶ Spent 10 minutes in Sausan Garrison with Awakened Striker. Pros: the skills will make you approach your targets really fast and cooldown is kind of long but not too long. Cons: because you approach your targets really fast, sometimes it’s hard to focus your attack on a certain spot. Also, sometimes I don’t know which skill I’m using.
▶ The Clone is no help in 1vs1 situations. The Clone does half the damage of the Awakening skills, and your target will dodge even before the Clone starts attacking.
▶ We’ll have to see how it goes. It’s only been out for one day and we still need to experiment on the class. PvE was pretty much okay so I think people are mostly complaining about PvP. By the way, I don’t understand why I can’t guard with S in Awakening mode.
▶ I’m a level 59 Striker. PvE was actually better than what people have been saying. But the Clone skill definitely needs a rework. Unless the Striker and the Clone attack simultaneously, the Clone doesn’t help much.
▶ I’ve only played Wizard and Dark Knight before and I needed to take a break. I have a level 59 Striker and a TRI Dandelion weapon. I had to take a break after 30 minutes of play. The combos and chains are fun to play, but I can’t play for a long time. My hands and eyes get tired.
▶ No Guard skills, and very few mobility and evasion skills with a long cooldown. His attacks are easy to dodge. Also, the Clone can’t deal much damage. Striker is no good in PvP unless they delete the casting time for the Clone and increase the hit area for the Clone.
▶ The Skills that hits the target multiple times are not that useful in BDO. Striker’s Awakening skills hit the target multiple times, with the Clone.
▶ Kind of similar to the Witch, but the Witch is so much better. It’s hard to deal damage with the chain combos since the damage is split between the Striker and the Clone. Unless the Clone is reworked, he’s going to be worse than Ninja. Switching between non-Awakening and Awakening mode is fun though.
▶ You need to play your keyboard like a piano, but still can’t grind faster than Dark Knight, Wizard, and Witch.
▶ You are forced to use the non-Awakening skills to maintain a combo, which is not very useful.
▶ Too weak against ranged CC skills.
▶ PvE is okay, but the hype of smashing went away.
▶ I like how the combos became much smoother. His motions used to be very stiff.
▶ I also like the smooth action. Flows like water.
▶ The skills attack from everywhere.
▶Musa + Berserker
ㄴ Rofl.
ㄴ Accurate.
▶ Like others said, PvE is okay.
▶ PvE is okay, but I need work on the pre-Awakening combos if I want to win in PvP.
▶ I have two problems regarding PvE. First, I have no idea which skill is on cooldown. Second, I still can’t figure out the exact area of effect.
▶ The animation looks cool. It really depends on your personal preference.
▶ Another Ninja here.
▶ Half the damage he deals comes from the Clone but the Clone doesn’t do much damage. It looks like a ghost just went by.
▶ His fast attacks and the sense of impact went away after Awakening. PvE is okay, but PvP is not yet to judge.
▶ The mobility skill doesn’t work with the Awakening skills very well.
▶ I can grind much faster in Crescent Shrine after Awakening. But so weak in PvP.

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