On May 21st, The finals of the 2017 Mid-Season Invitational between SKT and G2 happened deep into the night of Korea. Korean fans hoped that G2 would put up a good fight against SKT. However, nobody was prepared for G2 going beyond expectations enough for Faker to go on 0/4/0 in Game 1 and SKT loing Game 2.
Here are the reactions of Korean fans over the course of the match as it happened in Inven KR's LoL/Esports Discussion Forum.
I hope G2 would win a game. I want to see Blank playing at least once...
- It's not going to happen unless SKT drops two games.
- That just means that Blank isn't going to play.
I feel like foreign teams give more respect to SKT than our teams.
G2 got stronger through MSI. I can tell that they'll dominate EU LCS in the next split from the interviews.
I hope Faker plays Lucian today. Plz no Orianno
- But Lucian is a wild card and nothing more
At this rate, Blank will win MSI without losing a match.
- And also without winning a match.
PerkZ is adorable. I thought he was a brat, but he was humble in the interview and he even spoke Korean! Not to mention how handsome he is <3
After Faker's 0/4/0 in Game 1
When have we seen Faker getting crushed like that last time? It feels strange.
- Uh...does Mid Lucian ring any bell?
- Less than a week ago.
I thought PerkZ was Faker instead. He's damn good.
Guys, why is Faker written as PerkZ on the screen?
PerkZ, don't beat up baby PerkZ
- Somebody stop this child abuse
Where's the Blank Knight when we need him?
Uh...why is it that I don't feel like we are going to lose?
- 0/4/0 isn't enough for SKT to lose.
Game 1 Post-game
The biggest waste of time in life is worrying about SKT.
- Yeah, SKT isn't an one-man-army of Faker..
Longzhu Gaming will do so much better with PerkZ.
That's how SKT always wins 3-0. Turnaround win in Game 1, a smooth win in Game 2 and a pwnage in Game 3. It's happening against with this Game 1.
Just what did G2 do wrong?
- Going to the finals?
- Waking up today

That's how a 0/4/0 Cass deals damage in a teamfight.
- Did he forget that he started with 4 deaths?
Just how do you beat SKT?
- Get Kkoma married lol
Kkoma sold his future wife to a devil for that game.
Are you watching this Ronaldo? This is what you did to the soccer players back then.
Now I'm more amazed at teams that defeated SKT.

Game 2 Pre-game
How did 2016 ROX even went toe-to-toe to these monsters?
- One of them decided to be a monster too.
- If you can't beat'em, join'em.
A rough start yet again...SKT fighting T_T
Holy crap that solo kill from Perkz...That one was for Worlds 2016!
PerkZ has been a better player than Faker in this year's MSI.
- I agree, SKT is still a better team, but PerkZ has been better than Faker.
We need to give more credit to G2.
Would we actually have a rival in the Worlds this time?
SKT's botlane duo is going through what PerkZ and Zven went through in the group stage.
Game 2 Post-game
Gap is closing!
G2 actually got a game off SKT? I'm an SKT fan, but this is amazing. How many years have passed since we've seen a Western team get a game off in the finals of an international tournament?
G2 will walk away with so many things even if they lose this series.
Faker? This might be a good time to apologize to PerkZ for everything that you've done...

Game 3 Pre-game
PerkZ > Faker confirmed?
- Yep, PerkZ is doing better than Baby PerkZ today.
G2 > KT?
- I'm prepared for G2 > KR
The gap has closed. I think top teams from each regions can reasonably compete against LCK teams.
- Enough with the gap. Just enjoy the show.
Game 3 Post-game

Could someone rank SwordArt above Wolf again before the Worlds? Thank you!
Were they afraid of Wolf's Karma even more than Peanut's Lee Sin?
Give me ideas on how to beat SKT. I'll start with banning Lee Sin and ganking Faker in the early game.
- Put laxatives on Kkoma's coffee.
- Put laxatives on Kkoma's coffee and get him married.
- Win in top, mid, bot AND jungle during laning phase
- Win in top, mid, bot AND jungle during laning phase AND THEN win every teamfight.
Game 4 Pre-game
If Faker would carry Game 4, it would be so great.
This series means so much for G2. They hardly did well in international tournaments and got called out for it, but they finally redeemed themselves. We can now stop talking about the vacation and call them the True King of Europe.
- Same. They deserve to rule over Europe.
G2 are doing better against SKT than KT. I don't think KT can beat G2 if they meet in the Worlds.
- You never know until it happens.
I think NA is the biggest loser here. They can't be rivals if their skill level is different like this.
- I think EU can boast about this at least until the Worlds.

Wolf was prepared to lay down some pain.
- "I will crush you!"
- Wrong game.
I'd usually be happy about Faker's LeBlanc, but not with how he played in the last 3 games.
Europeans should be still happy about how G2 is did in the MSI this year.
Was G2 sandbagging in the Group Stage? They deserve an Oscar ffs
Game 4 Post-game
SKT's bot lane duo was really on point today.
Brother Trick showed us what it means to be a Lee Sin player - You ALWAYS follow up with Resonating Strike.
Yay! Time for bed. Good job SKT.
Why was I even worried?
Faker feeding in finals, and now a fan invasion? Am I dreaming? lol
They need to lift up the cup like a champ. Why do they look so indifferent?
- Maybe it's because they do feel indifferent.

The two gods.
- I still can't believe this actually happened.
- Ronaldo in an esports tournament! We've really come a long way.
Kkoma is crazy. He's going to make Peanut and Huni play even better.
- The leather belt hungers.

▣ Other MSI 2017 Articles
- [Column] Eliminated in the Group Stage: What TSM should learn from G2
- [Interview] SKT Peanut: "All I needed to do was just focus on my plays"
- [Interview] G2 Mithy: "This is the G2 that we wanted to be. No more memes and no more curse."
- [News] Riot on the invasion of a spectator: "This breach is an unacceptable issue"
- [News] SKT Jaewan "Wolf" Lee earned his first MSI MVP award
- [Interview] SKT Coach Kkoma on Peanut-Huni: "They can do better, so I'll make them do better."
- [Interview] SKT T1 Faker: "Match against G2 was hard, my performance also wasn't that good"
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