On May 20th (KST), Korean fans stayed late at night to watch the semifinals between WE and G2 and share banters about the match. Surely, the numbers were fewer than yesterday, but those that stayed for the match was greeted by a surprising 3-1 victory for G2 Esports.
Here are the reactions of Korean fans over the course of the match.
Can G2 really beat WE? I still can't believe they were in third place after the group stage...
- Their teamwork is surprisingly good. I think they have a shot.
- It's possible if Trick gets back in shape and Expect does his career best.
WE is not very consistent.
This is pretty much the finals for the title of Best Human Team in MSI 2017.
Who do you think will win? I think WE is more likely to win but the game might be closer than we think.
- My money is on WE, but I hope G2 would win.
GE's Nexus blows up = WE wins
WE's Nexus blows up = G2 wins
WE wins the bot lane and G2 wins the top lane = Korea wins
- Wait, what if WE loses the bot lane and G2 loses the top lane?
G2 has a chance against WE, right?
- What are you talking about? WE will tear them down to bits.
Game 1 Postgame
Taric's ultimate goes really well with EU teams.
That throw by WE... I feel sorry for the Chinese fans staying up at night.
Gragas Body Slams his way out of winning Game 1!
That's going to be a very expensive Body Slam.
Seriously though, PerkZ was f***ing awesome.
- There's nothing ADCs can do against Victor with Lich Bane. It's a really good pick.
Is Lucian honoring Doublelift with his positioning? It feels just like Doublelift.
Out of all the crazy things that happened, I still can't wrap my head around why Mithy would still hold on to the refillable potion instead of a control ward. Was he thirsty or something?
Game 2 Postgame
Actually, doesn't Europe have better record against China in Bo5s? I think Europe might be stronger against China.
Man, G2 looks pretty good now that Trick is back in shape.
I think LPL teams feel like worse versions of LCK teams while EU LCS teams feel like better versions of NA LCS teams.
There must be regional dynamics at work. TW > KR, CN > TW, EU > CN, Wild Card < NA...
- TW > KR is no more as of yesterday.
Kkoma really knows his stuff. Didn't he say that G2 might win?
- That's expected when you are a coach for SKT.
This takes me back to Worlds 2015 when Fnatic faced EDG...
- People thought EDG might have a chance of winning the Worlds...
and then Fnatic happened.
Everybody is talking about PerkZ. Is he going to be our new favorite foreigner?
I think the difference between EU and NA is this: NA has good mid-tier teams but terrible top teams, while EU has good top teams but terrible mi to low-tier teams. This is why the EU LCS looks bad overall.
- Both EU and NA have strong top-tier teams,
but NA's mid-tier teams got much better while EU's mid-tier teams are terrible.
Just because G2 does well here, that doesn't mean than EU LCS is any less terrible. You'd know what I mean if you've watched playoffs and promotion tournaments. G2 is an anomaly.
- Well, they still always had better results than NA teams.
Game 3 Postgame
Ah, the good old G2. PerkZ throwing and Expect feeding... Yep, that's my G2. Now we just have to see Trick trying to hard carry his team.
Are we back in 2016? Pretty sure that was G2 in 2016.
Does PerkZ have a twin brother? It might have been him playing in Game 3.
- I guess so? Someone from G2 has to take vacation.

Original Image Credit: Team WE Weibo
Remember WE, it's all fun and games until you actually lose an elimination round...
Game 4 Postgame
Wait, how? I don't think G2 was that great, but they were winning teamfights somehow...
When will China stop sandbagging?
Congratulations to G2 for winning the MSI 2017 Human's Bracket! Now you will face the gods.
Where are we supposed to put TSM now? lol
Trick is good, PerkZ is great, but we really need to give them credit for being untiltable. That's really important in a Bo5.
- G2 might be the trickiest team to beat.

- That's the group stage rank.
- Go the f*** to sleep.
PerkZ just tweeted #MakeEUGreatAgain lol
Come on guys, CLG was the runner-up last year. NA is still comparable to EU.
- CLG was really strong back then
G2 is finally doing well in an international stage. They now started to do what they preach.
▣ Other MSI 2017 Articles
- [Match Report] G2 vs WE Match Analysis #5: Why G2 couldn't finish off WE in Game 3
- [Interview] G2 Zven: "Doing scrims against SKT, WE, FW allowed us to learn and catch up"
- [Interview] G2 Expect on the finals: "We could have a good match with SKT"
- [Interview] G2 PerkZ on the success of his Lane Kingdom: "It's the books."
- [Interview] G2 Trick on the finals against SKT T1: "Our goal is to not go down without a fight."
- [Fun] Koreans' reactions to WE vs G2: "Congrats to G2 for winning the MSI 2017 Human's Bracket!"
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