G2 Zven shared how scrims against semifinalists helped them win the series.
On May 20th (PDT) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; G2 Esports defeated Team WE in the second semifinals of Mid-Season Invitational 2017 with a record of 3-1. After the match, Jesper "Zven" Svenningsen had an interview with Riot Games Brazil for his thoughts.
Zven thought that playing scrims and matches against strong teams in the MSI helped them improve over the course of the MSI: We did scrims against teams like SKT, WE and FW that have good macro and knew things that we didn't know about. Playing in the group stage and doing scrims against those teams allowed us to learn and catch up. Also, we are a team that does much better in best-of-fives.
After losing two matches against WE in the Group Stage, G2 realized what they've been doing wrong against WE: "We all agreed that we made costly early game mistakes that doomed the game in the Group Stage. So, we tried playing more slowly and not taking risks since we cannot play from behind. That was the main thing today: WE is a very fast-paced team that likes to fight and do cheesy ganks. We played slowly to our tempo, not like our single-game match style."
Finally, Zven showed a glimmer of hope for the finals against SKT: "I faced Bang and Wolf back during the semifinals of Worlds 2015. Although I got 0-3ed, I felt like there was hope in the first game. I thought they were beatable. They are most likely the best team in the world, but I think if we learn from our mistakes today, I think we can put up a good fight at the very least."

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