Illustration by Joonkyu "Lasso" Seok
On May 19th, Korean fans stayed late at night to watch the semifinals between SKT and FW and share banters about the match. Although fans were divided on how the match will go, the match ended with a clean 3-0 sweep by SKT - much to disappointment of fans who wanted a better and longer fight.
Here are the reactions of Korean fans over the course of the match.
There's nothing to worry about for sure.
- But you should be worried if you a fan.
- Well, SKT is SKT. They won't lose.
- Still, it's FW that we are talking about.
I hope it doesn't end with a 3-0 today.
Although they deserve all the wins, I want to see SKT lose just once. Not because of SKT being worse, but other teams being better. It should be more fun that way.
- Other teams would need to step up then lol
Remember how Bengi used to teach FW some good lesson? I wish he were here...
Please no Orianna today.
Game 1 Postgame
SKT vs FW Game 1 described with one character: "?"
- I went to take a dump and the game was over lol.
I hope Faker doesn't play Orianna anymore. He's terrible.
- Did you even watch the game?
There goes SKT haters in 30 seconds.
- They were let down yet again Q_Q
How did Nautilus jump into SKT anyway?
- Did Faker AAed the cone?
- It was the play of the game for sure.
- I think Maple popped the cone.
- That cone literally blasted FW off the game.
- P R O F I T
I'm sorry for doubting you Bang, just do the whatever hell you want.

Game 2 Postgame
Dongjun (KR Caster): I'd rather get first blooded then suffer through that!
Maple has to plea for each and every CS...
KurO deserves more credit. Having a good matchup against that monster for two years shouldn't be possible.
- KurO and Crown will destroy any non-KR league.
- Did you ever hear the tragedy of KurO?
- I remember KurO calling Faker a lunatic in his stream. He knew it all along.
If I were Maple I would've walked across the stage and punch Faker in the face.
Are we going to see Maple hitting Faker with his keyboard?

Game 3 Postgame
There goes FW's positive winrate against SKT. It's now 5 to 4 for SKT, right?
- Only Afreeca Freecs has a positive winrate now.
Man, someone got a free trip to Brazil AND will be paid for it.
I wonder what will happened if TSM was there instead of FW?
- It would've been over an hour ago.
I'm glad Huni can show character. I was fed up of reddit calling Korean players robots.
I didn't know that Tear of the Goddess builds into Tear of the Wolves...
SKT: "Let's wrap it up team, it's almost morning in Korea!"
- "We ended the match before the rush hour for all weekend workers."
Turns out that the Kingslayer was one-time use only.
So much for the Korean Killers.
- Honestly though, I think FW is still better than some of teams in the LCK.
- No? FW got thrashed like lower-tier LCK team in the semis.
- KT was just as bad and they are still second in the LCK.

■ Another MSI 2017 Knockout Stage Articles
- [Review] SKT vs FW Match Analysis #4: The Art of Draft
- [Fun] Koreans' reactions to SKT vs FW: "FW play Dark Souls: Prepare to SKT Edition"
- [Interview] SKT Bang: "I don't think I played that cleanly today."
- [Interview] SKT Huni on Top Lucian: "Yeah, I wanna play it."
- [Interview] SKT Faker: "Our current roster may not be the best, but we're at the strongest as a team."
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