Charlotte’s advancements focus entirely on increasing her damage output, making her progressively stronger as the main DPS with each advancement.
Stage 1 is particularly recommended, as it reduces the ultimate activation requirement from two sets of three-hit basic attacks to one, while also halving the ultimate's cooldown time, significantly enhancing her combat effectiveness.
1st Advancement (Recommended)
- Reduces the ultimate activation requirement from two sets of three-hit basic attacks to one.
- Decreases the ultimate skill cooldown from 40 seconds to 20 seconds.
2nd Advancement
- Increases defense by 12%
3rd Advancement
- Changes the ultimate skill from [Take This!] to [Harper! We Are One!] and increases the user’s damage by 70%.
4th Advancement
- Increases basic attack speed and boosts damage by 60%.
5th Advancement
- Activates the Doll’s Gratitude effect with basic attacks.
- Increases ultimate and E skill damage by 8% per stack of Doll’s Gratitude (up to 15 stacks, equating to a maximum of 120% increase).
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