Harper's advancement primarily focuses on enhancing her own capabilities, with additional party synergy benefits introduced at higher stages.
All stages provide relatively efficient improvements, but the shield effect at the first advancement is particularly recommended, as it enhances survivability when using channeling skills.

1st Advancement
Generates a shield equal to 50% of Harper’s health when using the E skill, increases E skill's maximum hit count by 4, and boosts damage by 120%.
2nd Advancement
Increases break effectiveness by 20%.
3rd Advancement
- Removes Q skill's delay if enemies are within 5 meters.
- Increases London Drift damage from 20% to 60%.
- The ultimate Harper’s Mjölnir changes to Harper & Charlotte Mjölnir with a 70% damage boost.
4th Advancement
- Increases team defense and health by 8%.
- The entire team's stats, not just Harper's, are increased. Since Charlotte's damage scales with defense, the boost in team defense leads to enhanced damage output.
5th Advancement
- The effect of Porkchopped (triggered upon E skill hit) changes. The increase in ultimate damage taken by enemies with a dark attribute has changed from 1% per stack (up to 12%) to 2% per stack, now reaching a maximum of 32%.
- The self-buff from the Q skill, which increases critical hit rate and critical damage, changes from 5% per stack (up to 4 stacks) to 6% per stack, now allowing a maximum of 7 stacks.
I play League of Legends, all sorts of Steam games, just everything out there.
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