Get Your Desired Sung Jinwoo Weapon More Easily – Weapon Custom Draw


Key Details About the Weapon Custom Rate Up


The Weapon Custom Draw allows you to select two desired Sung Jinwoo weapons for a customized gacha.


The base drop rate for SSR weapons is 1.2%. The two weapons you choose for your Rate Up list share a combined 0.6% drop rate (0.3% each).


There is a chance that you may off-pick an SSR weapon not on your Rate Up list.


Unlike some other Rate Ups, even if an off-pick occurs, no Hunters will be included—only weapons.


Unlike rate up characters, who are added to the custom lineup after two new character releases, new Sung Jinwoo weapons are added to the custom lineup immediately.



How to Obtain Weapon Custom Rate Up Tickets


Like Rate Up and Custom Draw tickets, Weapon Custom Draw tickets can be exchanged for 250 Magic Stones each.


You can also obtain Weapon Custom Draw tickets from the Guild Exchange Shop for 50 Guild Coins per ticket, with a maximum of 5 tickets available per week.


The Weapon Custom Draw tickets are available even at Guild Level 1, and the required coins can be collected in just one day. Therefore, it’s highly recommended to join a guild quickly to take advantage of this benefit.


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