Han Semi Team Comp – Best for Wind Attribute, Min Byunggu Preferred for Others


Like Meilin, Han Semi is designed as an attribute-specific healer, excelling in Wind attribute parties, especially when paired with Mirei and Woo Jinchul. 

In this setup, Woo Jinchul handles the Breaks while Mirei, boosted by Han Semi’s buffs, delivers powerful attacks.

Han Semi effectively resolves Mirei’s key issues—her low survivability and inability to maintain the mana required to activate her buffs.

This synergy prevents Mirei’s damage output from dropping due to mana depletion after the second cycle and mitigates the risk of Mirei being knocked out mid-combat.


While Han Semi can be used in various parties, especially those with high mana consumption, she is generally less efficient than the more versatile support, Min Byung-gu.

Han Semi provides buffs that enhance regular skills rather than overall stats, which impacts her effectiveness in broader combat scenarios.

Currently, Baek Yoonho (Silver Mane) is the only main DPS Hunter who heavily relies on regular attacks.

Therefore, while Han Semi is excellent for Wind attribute teams, it’s better to use Meilin for Water attribute teams and Min Byung-gu for other attributes.

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