A new event “Let’s grow a young Kamasylve tree together!” has begun.
- You can complete the event quest once per day.
- You can obtain one of the following items as a reward after completing the quest:
Kzarka’s Sealed Weapon Box
Ogre Ring
Valks Advice (25-35)
+2 Silver Embroidered Clothes Box
Black Magical Crystal - Harphia
Magic Crystal of Infinity - exp
Sharp Black Crystal Shard Bundle:3
Hard Black Crystal Shard Bunde:3
Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator
Red Coral Earring, Golden Backpack
Ancient Guardian’s Seal
Ancient Weapon Core
Tough Whale Tendon Elixir
Whale Tendon Elixir
Sharp Black Crystal Shard
Hard Black Crystal Shard
Cron Stone
Magic Butcher Knife
Magic Tanning Knife
[Mix]Time-Training Elixir
[Mix]EXP-Reaper Elixir
Black Stone(Armor)
Daily Attendance: Shakatu’s seal event has begun.
[Character – general]
Fixed an issue where the graphics for knocked down characters looked unnatural in PvP.
Fixed an issue where the graphics looked unnatural when a character dies while carrying trading items.
The graphics when the character falls from a Miniature Elephant have been improved.
The skill description for Mark of Shadow has been fixed to match the actual skill effect.
Fixed an issue where the cape for Jordine casual wear could not be seen.
Fixed an issue where Akul Ear cuff could not be dyed.
The graphics used when switching from combat mode to non-combat mode have been improved.
Strikers will now gain the same amount of exp as the other characters after completing the tutorial quests.
More skills are added as “Recommended Skills”.
Fixed an issue where Crown Eagle Helmet could not be dyed.
The names and descriptions for the following items have been edited.
- Extra Horse EXP Scroll -> Extra Mount EXP Scroll
- [Event] Extra Horse EXP Scroll -> [Event] Extra Mount EXP Scroll
- Increases Horse exp by 20% for 1 hour -> Increases Mount exp by 20% for 1 hour.
The description for the following item has been edited.
-Black Magical Crystal – Agility: all evasion +12 -> all evasion +8
The battle exp gained for Gathering has increased.
You can no longer switch from Cron stones to Valks or the other way around when extracting your costumes.
The Mileage shop has been reworked.
-The following items have been added to the Mileage Shop:
Golden Bell
Taeguk tattoo
Taeguk earring
Larh Arcien Weapon&Outfit Set (7 days)
Karlstein Weapon&Outfit Set (7 days)
Venia Riding Attire Outfit Set (7 days)
Splat Fisher’s Clothes Set (7days)
Tears of the Wind
Special Carrot
Unknown dye box
Merv’s Pallette (1 day)
- The prices for the following items have been reduced:
Unknown dye box(1 per day)
Lucky steel lumbering axe
Lucky sturdy fluid collector
Lucky steel hoe
Lucky steel butchering knife
Lucky steel tanning knife
Lucky steel pickaxe.
The damage, attack speed, and attack area for Mask Owl have decreased.
The following monsters will not be stunned anymore when they receive critical hits.
- Red Nose
- Giath
- Dastard Bheg
- Muskan
- Hebetate Tree Spirit
- Hexe Marie
- Agrakhan
[Quest & Knowledge]
All NPCs you need to talk to in order to complete the “Donat, the forgotten name” quest will now appear on the map.
The criteria for starting the “Lulupi’s adventure” quest have changed.
- You will need to complete [Boss] Witch hunting to start the above quest.
- [Boss] Witch hunting is one of the main quests that the Black Spirit gives you.
You can now obtain 2 Black Stones(Weapon) and 2 Black Stones(Armor) by completing the following quests.
- [Defeat the Rhutums IV] An endless fight
- [Defeat the Manshas III] Never give up
- [Defeat the Catfishmen IV] Accepting defeat
- [Defeat the Treants IV] In order to prevent future damages
- [Abandoned Abbey III] Call this a rescue?
- [Calpheon Temple III] Reduce their power
- [Hexe sanctuary IV] Purifying the Hexe sanctuary
You can now acquire the “Gavinya Volzano Zone” knowledge by talking to Muturan.
You can now greet and start the conversation mini game to gain Amity with Barudatu, the NPC in Mediah Tavern.
You can now sell items to Orc Hunter Buddy.
The icon for Pottery Workshop will now appear correctly.
The Marketplace button that appeared next to the City icon in the World Map menu has been removed.
- You can check the Marketplace with the button that appears at the bottom of the World Map menu.
The description for Attack Speed and Casting Speed within the My Account menu will now say which characters are affected by the stat
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