Solo Leveling: ARISE, Why You Should Join a Guild Immediately


Exclusive Rewards: Some rewards can only be obtained through guild participation, such as the Weapon Custom Draw Ticket and Truth: Demon Knight's Spear Shards.


Weapon Custom: The Weapon Custom Draw Ticket allows you to select and spin for two of Sung Jinwoo's weapons in a new pickup system.


Unique Weapons: The Truth: Demon Knight's Spear is a new Light attribute weapon for Sung Jinwoo that can't be acquired through regular pickups and must be crafted through guild content.


Weekly Settlements: Guild Boss battles, one of the main guild activities, are settled weekly, so the sooner you join, the more rewards you can accumulate.



Check-in Rewards: Guilds offer check-in rewards, meaning the later you join, the fewer rewards you'll be able to collect.


Daily/Weekly Guild Missions: These missions are easy to complete, especially the daily ones, as they overlap with regular daily missions.


Additional Guild Benefits: Guilds provide unique benefits such as the Trinity Buff, which increases your Combat and Defense stats.


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