Solo Leveling: ARISE, Guild Boss is Essential for Crafting New Weapons


What is a Guild Boss Content?


  • Guild Boss Raid is a new content available for players who join a guild.
  • Similar to the existing Power of Destruction, but with a twist—Sung Jinwoo and nine Hunters participate simultaneously.
  • Players get two attempts per season, and with so many Hunters involved, there are no restrictions on reusing Hunters in each attempt.
  • The boss starts with relatively low combat power, but after depleting its health bar, it revives in a Rage state, with increased combat power.
  • With each successive Rage, the boss becomes even stronger. The objective is to deal as much damage as possible within the time limit against the increasingly powerful boss.


What Rewards Can You Earn in the Guild Boss Raid?


  • After two attempts, rewards are calculated based on the total number of Rage Counts achieved (key factor).
  • Depending on the number of Rage counts, players earn Guild Coins, Contribution Points, and Gold. Additionally, based on their rank, they receive Guild Raid Chests.
  • These chests may contain Truth: Demon Knight's Spear Shards, weapon custom draw tickets, along with consumable items like Magic Stones and Rune Fragments.
  • To obtain the high-tier weapon shards, at least six Rage counts are required, which grants access to Guild Raid Chest II.
  • For those who achieve 11 or more Rage counts, Guild Raid Chest III is awarded, with even better rewards. There's also a chance to receive the rare Guild Raid Chest IV, which includes duplicated rewards for extra bonuses!
  • However, aiming for 11 Rage counts is highly challenging and is recommended only for those who can clear high-difficulty content like Workshop of Brilliant Light.
  • At the end of the season, the total number of Rage counts achieved by guild members is calculated, and collaborative rewards are distributed, including Guild Coins and Gold.


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