Solo Leveling: ARISE, Key Tips for Cursed Giant Eiberg


For optimal performance, it is recommended to equip Sung Jinwoo with the weapons, The Huntsman and Phoenix Soul. If these are unavailable, popular SR weapons like Orb of Avarice and Radiru Family's Longbow are also viable options.



In Solo Leveling: ARISE, much like the battle with Arachnid, the importance of Cha Hae-In is overwhelming when facing this boss. The key strategy revolves around applying Unrecoverable buff before entering the Sculpture phase, making her an indispensable part of your team.



Though the sculptures in the Cursed Giant Eiberg encounter have only one health bar, they are remarkably resilient. It's essential to use skills liberally to ensure their quick destruction.



As the battle against Eiberg progresses, the boss grows stronger, entering a Berserk pattern in the later stages. This phase is marked by increased power, frequent teleportation, and dangerous area-of-effect (AoE) attacks. Due to the escalating threat level, a swift defeat is crucial to avoid being overwhelmed.

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