On Mar. 10, in the 2024 LCK Spring Split, Dplus KIA faced KT Rolster. After an exciting three games, Dplus KIA emerged victorious and took the 2-1 win. With the win, Dplus KIA secured a spot in the playoffs. The Players of the Games for Dplus KIA were Heo “ShowMaker” Su and Hwang “Kingen” Seong-hoon. They joined Yoon Soo-bin after the match.
Impressions of today's victory?
ShowMaker: It feels great to secure a playoff spot regardless of the remaining matches, and I'm eager to continue our winning streak.
Kingen: I'm also delighted to continue the winning streak and secure a playoff spot.
A heated mid-lane matchup. Both mid-laners from both teams received the Player of the Game in Games 1 and 2. What were the key focuses when facing Clozer?
ShowMaker: Clozer has a distinctively aggressive playstyle, particularly excelling in laning, so I paid utmost attention to the laning phase.
Utilizing Karma extensively this Spring, today marks the first time you received the POG with Karma. What differed between Karma in Game 1 and Game 2?
ShowMaker: In Game 1, my Mantra usage was suboptimal, and I couldn't apply enough pressure in lane. In Game 2, the laning phase went well, and my Mantra hits were accurate, resulting in a better performance.
With your performance, you achieved a pentakill with a flawless 10/0/4 KDA. It marks your fourth pentakill. Thoughts?
ShowMaker: I never imagined I would ever get a pentakill with Karma. I feel fortunate to have secured kills well and feel great about it.
(To Kingen) In Game 2, Camille, a counter to Aatrox, made an appearance. How did you handle the lane?
Kingen: As time goes on, the fight becomes more favorable for Camille. I thought I needed to assert dominance in the top lane before time runs out. With the help of my teammates, I managed to do it.
Game 3 featured LeBlanc. What are the advantages of LeBlanc?
ShowMaker: LeBlanc is adept at survivability. I chose her because I didn't want to play passively against the enemy composition. Her versatility and proactivity are strengths.
Game 3 saw minimal skirmishes until the 27-minute mark. Why the cautious approach to the game?
Kingen: Both our bot lane and the opponent's picked strong champions. So, I thought if I aggressively played Renekton in the top lane to apply pressure as well, it would be challenging for the opponents.
Amidst a tight game, securing the fourth dragon and the elder dragon led to victory. When did you feel confident about winning?
Kingen: I felt we would win when the message popped up saying Poppy took the elder dragon. I thought we gained a significant advantage, although I didn't expect an immediate end to the game.
ShowMaker: I was hitting Udyr while the lights went out, so I was just hearing the sounds and cheering for our team. When I saw that we took the elder dragon, I thought our team did exceptionally well.
Kingen's birthday is tomorrow. Did your teammates wish you a happy birthday?
Kingen: Not really. [Laughs]
Does ShowMaker have a message to Kingen?
ShowMaker: Happy birthday to you~ [Sings happy birthday]
Kingen: Listening to him sing, I think I can perform even better.
You’ll be facing T1 and Gen.G next week. What preparations are underway?
ShowMaker: The remaining matchups are relatively tough. Since I'm not satisfied with my individual performance today, I'll focus on improving my form to compete well.
Kingen: Like ShowMaker said, I believe we need to defeat the strong teams in the remaining matches to show a strong performance in the playoffs. So, I want to focus on that and approach the games with diligence.
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