SKT Peanut thought TSM Svenskeren was easy to play against yesterday.
On May 12th (PDT) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; SK Telecom T1 picked up a win against Gigabyte Marines in the fifth match during Day 3 of the Group Stage of Mid-Season Invitational 2017. Wangho "Peanut" Han dominated the match with Lee Sin so much that he was call on stage once more to give his thoughts on the match.
Peanut's noted how aggressive GAM was during the match: "GAM was very aggressive throughout the match, so I just racked up kills one by one as we countered their plays. Those kills allowed me to really carry the match."
When asked about his general impression of GAM, Peanut emphasized GAM's aggressiveness again: "They are very aggressive - enough to make a play as soon as they see an enemy. They caught us off-guard sometimes, but we were prepared enough to defeat them."
When asked for a tip on playing Lee Sin like Peanut, Peanut had only one advice: "I have nothing to say other than to play at least 500 games with Lee Sin. You'll get the hang of it then."
Finally, the interview was to end with Peanut answering his prediction of semifinalist - but it came with a huge revelation: "I omitted TSM yesterday [from the semifinalists] because it had been way easier than I thought to play against Svenskeren yesterday. However, he played much better today, so I think I can put TSM on the list. If I were to choose the three again, I think TSM, G2 and WE will go on to semis with us."

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