On Jun. 24, in the 2023 LCK Summer Split, T1 faced KT Rolster. T1 came determined, but they weren’t able to overcome KT Rolster, as they lost 0-2 in the fight for 2nd place. With the loss, T1 finished week 3 with a 4-2 record in 3rd place. After the match, head coach Bae “Bengi” Seong-woong and top laner Choi “Zeus” Woo-je joined the media for an interview.
How do you evaluate today’s game?
Bengi: It’s a regretful loss. We’ll have to go back and talk about the problems we had today.
Zeus: As the top laner, I didn’t have much positive effect on the team in the loss.
What’s the biggest reason for the loss?
Bengi: There would be many reasons, but I think there was a problem with our matchup tier list. In both games, we lost big teamfights and the game tilted rapidly.
Zeus: In important objective fights, we were already behind, and there were several accidents before. Our teamfights weren’t that good either.
Neeko wasn’t banned in game 1. Did you think you’d be playing a Neeko comp? Was it prepared?
Bengi: We practiced Neeko early in the season, but we didn’t play it much recently. We still knew that Neeko was a good champion. We should have discussed more in detail how we would play it.
Any last comments?
Bengi: The loss was regretful. We’ll locate today’s issues well and make sure the same issues don’t occur again next time.
Zeus: As I laned against Kiin, I felt that he was much ahead of me in today’s matchup. I’ll try to improve what I lacked so that I can win next time.
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