[KOF Arena] Rush with grapple and standing combos - ‘Vice’ review

A grappler but an aggressive fighter that fights like infighters


Although her DEF (2,578) is low, Vice, who is an aggressive fighter with high ATK (3,810), has a long-range strike skill that moves far horizontally and has two grapple attacks. It’s easy to penetrate the opponent’s guard like grapplers, so you can connect a long standing combo.


▲ Vice has a low DEF stat, so it’s crucial to play her aggressively through constant combo connections


Leverage on standing combos! - In-depth analysis of the ‘basic attack’


Kick → One-two punch → Straight punch → Scratch and uppercut (Airborne)


※ Counterable with basic attack after guarding 1st strike (Difficulty: Hard)


The 2nd and 4th strikes hit twice, the 1st-3rd strikes have a paralysis effect, and there’s an airborne effect on the last 4th strike. Since the next basic attack after the airborne effect of the 4th strike doesn’t connect, you must use a skill right away to continue your combo.


There’s a chance of getting countered starting right after the 1st strike. However, it is difficult to counter after the 1st strike, so most players seek to counter after the one-two punch. If you use your grapple skill at this moment, you can counter the opponent’s counter.


▲ The basic attacks consist of decent attacks, but it’s difficult to connect airborne combos, so you need to mix them in the standing combos.
▲ There’s a chance of getting countered right after the 1st strike, but it’s difficult to execute, so it’s more general to seek to counter after the 2nd strike.
▲ If you use your grapple skill on an opponent who is trying to counter, they will be more careful when trying to counter afterward.

In-depth analysis of the Q skill — Ravenous


- Dashes through about 80% of the screen, crushes blast attacks

- Standing effect on an airborne opponent


※ Uncounterable

Emergency dodge possible after 5th hit


The dash speed is average, but it’s uncounterable and can crush blast attacks, so you can use it lightly in any situation. However, guided blast attacks don’t get crushed, so you must be careful when you’re facing Goenitz or Orochi. If it hits, you force the opponent into a standing state, so you can connect basic attacks after Ravenous. If the opponent gets away with emergency dodge, follow them by using Deicide (W).


▲ If an opponent who is guarding tries to counter, they just get hit.
▲ You can crush blast attacks from mid-range while being able to counter the opponent.
▲ Example of standing combo: 1-4 basic attacks → Ravenous → 1-4 basic attacks

In-depth analysis of the W skill — Deicide EX


Deicide (Standing) → Meyhem (Airborne)


- A mid-range grapple skill that covers 60% of the screen

- Canceling motion possible between Deicide and Meyhem


※ Counterable if opponent guards Deicide (Difficulty: Very hard)

Emergency dodge possible between Deicide and Meyhem


The Deicide in KOF Arena combines Deicide and Meyhem of the old KOF versions. Deicide is a grappling skill that covers about 60% of the screen, so it’s great to use when you want to attack first or catch up with an opponent who used emergency dodge. One little downside is that the opponent can get away by using emergency dodge in the middle of the skill, even though it’s a grappling skill. However, you can take advantage of that and connect a big hit combo to your opponent who no longer has emergency dodge.


▲ Deicide is very useful when you want to gain initiative from mid range.
▲ The opponent can get away with emergency dodge, so you always have to think about  what to do next.
▲ It can be countered after guarding, but it’s very difficult; almost impossible in actual fights.


In-depth analysis of the E skill — Gorefest


- Grabs opponent and advances a long distance; great to corner opponent

- Throws opponent far in the end, but connecting extra combo is possible by following them


※ Counterable after guarding (Difficulty: Very hard)

Cannot use emergency dodge


Gorefest is a grappling skill that grabs a nearby opponent, runs while dragging them, and then throws them in the air. Unlike Deicide (W), the opponent can’t use emergency dodge or escape while the skill is in action, so you can deal damage properly. Although it throws the opponent far, the airborne time is long enough so that you can follow and connect basic attacks and skills, so it’s great to corner your opponent.


If an opponent gets near into Gorefest’s range, you can pressure them like Orochi Yashiro or Shermie can. The core of Vice’s strategy is to use this to the fullest; getting into a distance, or using Gorefest on an opponent who is trying to dodge or attack.


▲ Gorefest is a skill that can pressure the opponent hard from close range.
▲ The grapple distance is long, so it’s good to use after the opponent uses dodge.


In-depth analysis of the ‘finisher’ — Withering Surface


Rolling leap (Strike) → Grapple → Blackened → Misanthrope (Airborne)


- Range: About 60% of the screen

- If rolling leap doesn’t hit, the opponent can move freely


※ Escape possible between leap and grapple


The skill range is longer than you think but also short, so you need to be fully aware of its range. If you use it from too far, you waste the skill. Since the first leap attack is a strike-type attack, the opponent can get away by using escape. As the animation time is long, you can’t use a double finisher. If you want to use it twice, you have to use it once when you have 5 PGs by consuming 3 PGs, and use the remaining 2 PGs to enter MAX mode and use the finisher again.


As the airborne opponent from Misanthrope can move before Vice’s post delay is over, additional combos can’t be connected. It’s a very difficult skill to connect combos, so it’s recommended to collect your PG to use your ultimate rather than to use the finisher unless you’re aiming for a time over win.


▲ If you’ve succeeded in grabbing the opponent after the leap, they can’t use escape.
▲ The leap attack is a strike-type attack, so if the opponent uses escape, it’s a waste of PGs.
▲ You can’t follow up combos afterward, so you need to play the mind game about breaking the fall.

In-depth analysis of the ‘ultimate’ — Awaking Blood


- 6-second animation

- Impossible to connect combos after ultimate


The ultimate has a shorter animation time than the finisher. Due to the very short animation time of 6 seconds, it’s useful to use when you want to deal damage quickly, regardless of the time. However, the situation after the ultimate is over isn’t good. Gorefest can reach the opponent, but the opponent can roll away; it’s impossible to connect following attacks. That being said, it’s good to use when you can’t connect combos anymore or when you can surely K.O. your opponent.


▲ Only Mature, Leona, and Benimaru have shorter ultimate animation time than Vice.
▲ Unfortunately, you can’t connect extra combos after the ultimate.

‘Big hit combo’ based on Vice’s loop combo


Kick (A1) → One-two punch (A2) → Straight punch (A3) → Scratch and uppercut (A4) 

Gorefest (E) → Kick (A1) → One-two punch (A2, Cancel motion) → Deicide (W, Cancel motion) →

Kick (A1) → One-two punch (A2) → Straight punch (A3) → Scratch and uppercut (A4) →

Ravenous (Q) → Repeat from beginning


The 1st hit of Ravenous and Deicide forces the opponent into a standing state, so you can connect several basic attacks. That way, you can collect PG, earn cooldown time, and attack the opponent until their emergency dodge has cooled down.


The most difficult part of the combo is when the opponent is airborne from Gorefest, connecting basic attacks and Deicide on the airborne opponent. You have to use your basic attacks immediately when the opponent starts to fall from the air to connect with skills. When you’re not used to it, you should connect the next skill right away without using basic attacks by waiting a bit after Gorefest.


▲ If the opponent doesn’t have emergency dodge, they won’t even know what hit them.

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