Lost Ark is a super entertaining action role-playing game that many players from all around the world enjoy. Playing this game is super thrilling as you get to engage in combat, explore new lands, and seek out treasures.
As a popular game, there are also many streamers that broadcast the live action to their fans. In this article, we will reveal the top Lost Ark streamers you can follow.

We begin with Saintone, who is a long-time veteran of MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) games. He is most known for being the biggest streamer when it comes to Lost Ark gaming. Saintone's streams are very exciting and joyful to watch, and you can also learn from his guides.
If you are just starting out with Lost Ark, then Saintone’s guides will help you master the game more easily. Most of his schedule features only this game, but you can also catch him streaming some other fun titles.
Analysts at Streamfinder.io found out that Saintone grows his Twitch followership by 15% every 3 months, with an average viewership of around 1,470. So far, his total view count sits at 4.56 million, but it will definitely increase further in the future.

DatModz is another major streamer when it comes to Lost Ark live broadcasts. Over 385,000 fans follow him on Twitch, where his total views go over 48.2 million. When it comes to the Lost Ark streams, DatModz has around 2,600 average viewers on these live events.
So far, he has spent over 4,338 hours of streaming just on this fun game. Apart from his intriguing Lost Ark streams, DatModz also broadcasts games like Diablo II: Resurrected, Diablo III, Path of Exile, World of Warcraft, and many more.
You can also find DatModz on YouTube, where he posts at least two videos per week. Most of those videos are reviews of games, but you can also find content about Lost Ark.

Next up, we have ZealsAmbitions, which is also pretty big when it comes to Lost Ark streams. On Twitch, he has streamed over 4,900 hours of this game with an average viewership of 3,848. Over 279,000 fans follow him on the platform, where he has 4.66 million views.
The majority of his streams are about Lost Ark, but he can also spend a couple of hours on some other games. ZealsAmbitions is also creating and posting content on YouTube, predominantly about Lost Ark. His channel features over 386,000 subscribers and around 61 million total views.

Last but not least, we will mention Stoopzz, who builds up his stats when switching to Lost Ark streams. Before that, he was broadcasting about World of Warcraft, but without any major success. Now, more than one year after streaming Lost Ark action, he features over 171,000 followers on Twitch.
Stoopzz streamed over 3,000 hours just about Lost Ark, where he maintains an average viewership count of around 3,335. He is a rising streamer that is slowly catching up to the others that we've mentioned in this article.
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