On Mar. 25, T1 faced KT Rolster in the 2023 LCK Spring Split Playoffs. In the blockbuster telecom derby, T1 squeezed past KT Rolster in a tough 3-2 victory. Although T1 was behind for the majority of game 5, they managed to turn the game around and gain the win to advance to the next round. After the match, T1 players joined Yoon Soo-bin for a team interview on stage.
(To Zeus) T1 picked KT Rolster for the playoffs 2nd round matchup. How was it facing them?
Zeus: Simply put, Kiin was really difficult to play against.
You gave and took many solo kills as well. How would you evaluate today’s matchup vs. Kiin?
Zeus: Actually, up to game 4, I thought I made better results considering the champion matchups and had a lead over him. However, facing Jayce with Gnar was too difficult. I didn’t really want to do it, but I tried. It was really hard.
T1 trailed early in game 5. What did you discuss with your teammates?
Zeus: We try to endure the blows while trying to make an opening. We pounced well on the chance we had around Baron.
When were you sure that you’d win?
Zeus: When we had a big win around Baron, I thought we would win, but the game went on for so much longer.
If you win the winners’ round, you’ll head straight to the finals. How will you play it?
Zeus: The playoffs are much more fun than the regular season. I’ll work much harder.

(To Oner) Your matchup, Cuzz, had good momentum going into today’s match. Many people focused on your matchup. What were your thoughts going into the game?
Oner: We thought Cuzz plays Sejuani very well, so we discussed banning her.
The analyst desk was curious about a scene in today’s game. You leveled up to 6 after killing Wukong’s decoy. Was that calculated?
Oner: [Laughs] Although I’m a jungler, I don’t often get to kill Wukong’s decoy. I didn’t really know, but I got lucky.
The whole T1 was voted on the All-LCK First Team. It’s the first time you were voted onto the first team. How do you feel about that?
Oner: I’m happy that I was voted on the first team, but I think the other junglers also have what it takes to be voted. We have to do well and win the finals for it to really mean something, so I’ll prepare well.
How are your resolutions going into the next round?
Oner: Today was difficult, but we’ll work harder so that we can play better and show more interesting games.
(To Faker) It was the first playoffs telecom derby in five years, and over the five years, you were always in T1. How was your mindset going into today’s game?
Faker: We have to play at least three bo5s in order to win the finals, and I came to today’s match thinking that we should have a clean win. It was much harder than I thought, but it’s a relief that we won.
You played your 75th champion, K’Sante, today. Did you prepare it specifically for the playoffs?
Faker: We had quite a long time to prepare, so I was able to try out many different champions. Since the patch often changed this season, I was able to pick a new champion in the playoffs.
Game 5 was a big turnaround. You flipped the game at a Baron teamfight. How were the shotcalls?
Faker: We were behind a bit, but we thought we could win if we killed Jayce. Everyone did so well, and we were able to win.
As you said, it was a difficult match. What was the most difficult facing KT?
Faker: They fought well for sure, but we made a lot of mistakes, and we weren’t ourselves today, so I’d say overcoming ourselves was the most difficult part of today’s match.
How were you able to turn the game around?
Faker: Even though we were behind, we calmly sought ways to win, and we cooperated well to seal the win.

(To Gumayusi) How do you feel about today’s 3-2 win?
Gumayusi: Actually, I came with a light mind, thinking I’ll smash them. It was exhausting since I didn’t think it would be such a tough fight. [Laughs]
Many people were curious about how the two teams would prepare the draft for the bot lane.
Gumayusi: We focused mainly on banning the picks they like. Other than those champions, we thought we were better at the matchup.
You scaled well in the early game, dominating your opponent during the laning phase. How satisfied are you with your performance today?
Gumayusi: I think I did well up to game 3, but it felt that I lost a bit of concentration in game 4. For the remaining best-ofs, I’ll need to improve my stamina and concentration.
What will you focus on for the next match?
Gumayusi: I kept thinking about the next game after each game. I should be more aggressive while being more stable in the next match.
Who do you think you’ll be facing?
Gumayusi: At first, I thought Gen.G would win, but Hanwha Life Esports has a good flow. That’s the beauty of the playoffs — you never know what’ll happen.
(To Keria) There was a pause because you weren’t feeling well. Are you okay?
Keria: I felt really good before the game… I’m alright now.
You swept the LCK Awards. How do you feel about that?
Keria: I’m thankful. It would still be meaningful even if we don’t win the championship, but I’ll make sure that we do win.

You entered the arena with sunglasses on. How did you come up with that idea?
Keria: I actually came up with it a few weeks ago, but I saved it for the playoffs. I was going to do it if I felt good, and I felt really good when I got up today, so I did it.
How was it facing Lehends?
Keria: I think all the supports in the playoffs are good, especially Lehends. It was fun facing him today.
What are your thoughts about the next round?
Keria: We’ll be back with a better performance than today.
(To Faker) You bought chicken for everyone at LoL Park today. A word to everyone?
Faker: Thank you to everyone for cheering after enjoying the chicken. Maybe because of the chicken, your voices were loud enough that I was able to hear everyone’s cheering. I’ll keep working hard so that we can show everything we can in the remaining playoffs.
All photos by LCK Korea
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