The following was sent to Inven Global via press release.
Today, Niantic announced details for Pokémon GO’s Festival of Lights 2022 event, taking place from Friday, October 14, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. to Monday, October 17, 2022, at 8:00 p.m. local time. Trainers can enjoy new Pokémon, events, and bonuses, including:
- Pokémon Debuts -
- Morelull and Shiinotic, the Illuminating Pokémon, will make their Pokémon GO debuts.
- Trainers can use 50 Morelull Candy to evolve Morelull into Shiinotic.
- Event Bonuses -
- 2× Catch XP and 2× Catch Candy, 2 hr Incense, event-themed stickers
- Increased chance of encountering Shiny Chinchou
- Encounters – The following Pokémon will appear more frequently through:
- Wild Encounters
- Pikachu*, Vulpix*, Magnemite*, Chinchou*, Litwick, Litleo*, Helioptile, Dedenne, Morelull
- If Trainers are lucky: Galarian Ponyta*, Togedemaru
- Incense
- Alolan Geodude*, Blitzle*, Darumaka*, Litwick, Dedenne, Morelull
- If Trainers are lucky: Galarian Ponyta*, Galarian Darumaka*
- Raids
- One-Star: Galarian Ponyta*, Darumaka*, Dedenne, Morelull
- Three-Star: Alolan Raichu*, Galarian Weezing, Mawile*, Hisuian Braviary*
- Five Star: Xerneas*
- Mega: Mega Manectric*
- Field Research
- Galarian Ponyta*, Electabuzz*, Magmar*, Chinchou*, Blitzle*, Dedenne, Morelull
- Timed Research - Complete catch-focuses research tasks to earn the Sparkler Pose.
- Wild Encounters
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