On Sep. 22, all four of the LCK teams that are heading to Worlds 2022, Gen.G [#1 seed], T1 [#2 seed], DWG KIA [#3 seed], and DRX [#4 seed] joined various media outlets to answer questions about the upcoming tournament. Each team was given roughly 30-40 minutes to answer questions from the journalists present at the press conference.
The following is the Q&A session with LCK’s #4 seed, DRX.
What is your mindset heading into this year’s Worlds?
SSONG: By keeping our momentum during the regional qualifiers, we’ll get good results at Worlds. Especially, we’ll be doing our best to raise LCK’s reputation higher.
Deft: It was so hard reaching Worlds this year, so I’ll do my best to get further compared to the Worlds I’ve been to before, and prove that I’ve improved more than before.
Kingen: It’s my first time attending Worlds as a starting member, so this is a valuable experience for me. We went through a lot getting here, so I’ll do my best to get the best results.
Zeka: We got to Worlds from the regional qualifiers, so we’ll keep up to the fans’ expectations in the play-ins and reach groups as well.
BeryL: With the last ticket to Worlds, we’ll be starting from play-ins. We’ll play well so that we can do well in groups too.
Pyosik: Since we’re also representing the LCK, we’ll do our best to show a good performance.
Juhan: It’s the first Worlds for me. I’ll show an improved performance so that we can get good results.
[To SSONG] It’s the first time you’re going to Worlds since you’ve become the head coach. What does Worlds mean to you this year?
SSONG: There were a lot of ups and downs for our team. Since we’re going to Worlds through the regional qualifiers as the last seed from the LCK, we’ll do our best to get meaningful results. Through the competition we’ll face in the play-ins, we’ll gain experience and become stronger.
[To SSONG] Among the play-in teams, which team are you looking out for the most? How likely do you think you’ll get to the group stage?
SSONG: We’re looking out for RNG the most, but if we get through the play-ins in 1st place, there are a lot of advantages. The teams in our group are teams that we can beat, so I’m confident that we’ll make it through.
[To SSONG] Your first match will be against RNG. What are your thoughts about the game?
SSONG: I’m not thinking too much about it yet. We have a short period of time to prepare and to make good results, but the conditions are the same for any team in the play-ins. I’m not too worried about it.

[To Deft] What changed within the team before the two regional qualifiers matches? The play-ins are just around the corner. What do you plan to do as the captain of the team?
Deft: There were two reasons: first, the drafts were sorted out well in the end, and second, when we played against KT, it felt that our in-game prowess improved. Us being able to turn around games from behind was quite effective.
Our first match at Worlds is against RNG. If we beat them, there’s a lot to gain for us. We’ll have to bring back our memories during the regional qualifiers and prepare as we did then.
[To SSONG] DRX has a tighter schedule than the other LCK teams. It’ll be important to keep the players in good condition. What are your thoughts?
SSONG: Our main sponsor, Shinhan Bank, booked business class tickets for us. I’m extremely thankful for that. That will definitely help us maintain the players’ condition and recover from jet lag. We have players that are going to NA for the first time, so one of the key points is to get over jet lag as soon as possible. We’ll need to adapt well to the environment there.
[To BeryL] You are known to watch other regions’ games a lot. MAD is in your group for play-ins. What do you think about them? How about other teams?
BeryL: I don’t really watch all the games going on around the world — I mostly watch the main teams and the strong teams. Frankly, I think RNG’s jungle and support have good synergy with each other. When I watched the LEC or LCS, it felt that they play towards the late game, rather than aiming to have strong laning. It feels that all leagues have different styles.
[To Zeka] It’s your first Worlds as well. How is your mindset? You’ll be meeting Xiaohu and many other mid laners. Is there anyone you’d like to face?
Zeka: I think getting through play-ins to reach groups is just a process we need to get through. Since RNG is good, we’ll need to look out for them. I don’t have any specific mid laners that I’d like to meet at Worlds — I want to meet the LCK mid laners again and beat them.
[To Kingen] ADD is on Isurus, and you’ve been in BLG with him. How do you think it’ll be when you meet him?
Kingen: I’m glad to see him again. I believe he would have improved much more than before, so I’ll work harder to beat him.
[To Pyosik] Nearing the end of the season and regional qualifiers, you and Juhan took turns playing in the series. When DRX reached Worlds, you seemed to be relieved that you got another chance. How is your mindset going to your second Worlds?
Pyosik: I only have good memories from the last time I went to Worlds. It was my first time going abroad, and I played pretty well there, so everything was great. I’ll be doing my best to keep my memories of Worlds bright.

[To Deft] It feels that Worlds this year would be more precious to you. What does Worlds 2022 mean to you?
Deft: Honestly, every year, “this year” is always the most important. My mindset is the same as always — if I play worse than I did in previous competitions, nothing’s left for me. Like always, now is the most important.
[To Deft] You were always strong against the Chinese teams throughout your career. What are your thoughts?
Deft: I think people think that of me since I did well when I played in the LPL. Personally, it was regretful for me since I didn’t play as well when I played against Chinese teams such as TES at Worlds. I’ll do well again this time to keep up with the fans’ expectations.
[To BeryL] In the patch for Worlds, Thresh was buffed and utility support champions were nerfed. What do you think about the bot meta?
BeryL: There were a few patches since the regional qualifiers. Some champions dropped in the tier list, and some rose. However, I think the LoL meta has been the same since 2020 — the team that manages the dragon well is advantageous. Based on pushing the lane, the junglers should draw a checkmate. Some people talk about the champions to discuss the meta, but I think it’s been the same dragon management meta since 2020. The 12.18 patch was dropped yesterday, so I’m not sure which champions are good. I’ll need to practice and find what’s good.
[To SSONG] You rotated the two junglers through the regional qualifiers. What are their strengths and weaknesses? How will you be playing them at Worlds?
SSONG: The two players have been competing with and supporting each other to improve. Since it’s a whole new patch since yesterday, we’ll decide how we’ll play the two players based on the champion meta or strategic points.
[To BeryL] If you reach the group stage, you’ll be going to group C, where Top Esports and Rogue are. What do you think about Rogue? How do you think the game would go?
BeryL: When I watched Rogue’s games, the jungler was the most impressive. If we were to get through the play-ins and go to group C, the game will depend on who pushes mid first and snowballs through the jungle.

[To Pyosik] In your first Worlds, fans enjoyed you meeting knight for the first time. Are there any players you’d like to meet this time?
Pyosik: I want to meet knight again and talk about how it’s great to meet him again at Worlds.
[To Deft] There will be a big crowd at Worlds this year. How do you think it’ll be? How do you think it’ll affect you or the team?
Deft: It’ll depend on how well we prepare. If we prepare well and are confident, we’ll enjoy the game and the crowd. Having fans will be more positive. However, if we’re not confident and lose, it’ll be harder on us.
[To Juhan] You’ve been to MSI on PSG this year. What do you think about your performance there? How will it be different at Worlds?
Juhan: My performance at MSI was regretful, so I’ll work harder through my experience of being on an international stage to get better results.
[To Kingen] Many people are saying that the top lane is more capable of carrying the team in the recent patch. What do you think? Are you confident? Which team would you like to meet at Worlds?
Kingen: During the regional qualifiers, Aatrox was a top-tier pick. I think he’ll stay there for a while. Besides Aatrox, I think tank champions will still appear more.
As for teams I’d like to face, I want to play against those who I faced when I was in the LPL. I’m not too worried since I know their styles. I also want to play against all the NA EU teams — since I haven’t faced them much, I don’t have much information about them. It’ll be interesting.

[To Pyosik] You celebrate with actions quite often when you win. Do you think you’ll be doing so at Worlds?
Pyosik: I think I’ll feel more pressure since everyone around the world would be watching… But on the other hand, since more people will be watching me, I think I should prepare something impressive so that more people can focus on me. [Laughs]
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