On day 22 of the 2022 LCK Summer split, DRX defeated DWG KIA 2-1 in the second match of the day. With their victory over DWG KIA once again this split, they picked up their 7th victory of the split.
The following is Inven’s interview with Cho “BeryL” Geon-hee.
DRX defeated DWG KIA 2-1 once again tonight.
During the Spring split, our match record against DWG KIA was 1-1, where we won in round 1, but lost quite badly in round 2. I’m really thrilled that we won again tonight.
Is there a reason why you seem especially strong against DWG KIA? Perhaps it’s because it’s your former team?
I just have this feeling that our team plays more comfortably against DWG KIA. The match tonight felt comfortable as well. The meta’s vastly different from when I was with DWG KIA, and there are new players on the team as well, so the team’s playstyle is different. However, they have this systematic movement that’s pretty unique to them, and I can read those pretty well.
When DWG KIA picked Yuumi, DRX immediately picked Yasuo-Senna.
We were thinking about what we could play, but I noticed that Senna was left open, so I asked Deft whether or not we should play Yasuo-Senna. Pyosik also played Lee Sin, and he synergized well with Yasuo as well, so we said okay.
You’re also a player who utilizes various champions in the support role. Can we expect your Yasuo on the LCK as well?
I’m actually not that good at champions like Yasuo. Deft used to play Yasuo, but he said that he lost confidence because he hasn’t played him in a while. However, he wasn’t bad during practice. He was a 100 times better than me on Yasuo, so he’ll continue to play him.
What was the feedback after the loss in game 2?
We felt that something went wrong during the draft, so we talked about that and immediately planned how we’re going to play game 3. Due to strategic reasons, I can’t talk about what that error is.
Game 3 was the decider, yet you played Leona, a champion that kind of fell off in the meta.
I also believe that Leona’s not that good right now in the current meta. Not only she doesn’t scale well into the late game, she’s also hard to play in teamfight. However, the team told me that they wanted me to play a champion that excels in the early-mid game, so I played Leona. I think I was able to gain a lot of advantages before the 10-minute mark.
DWG KIA also put up one hell of a fight. What was the game plan?
I thought that we also had a lot of great scaling champions, so my job was to make great engages and slow the enemy carries with Glacial Augment.
It was announced recently that LCK will get four seeds at Worlds this year.
If we make it to Worlds, I’d love it if we can go as 1st or 2nd seed. Even the 3rd and 4th seed are vastly different. Still, we have four seeds, so I’d love to go at least as 3rd seed.
DRX is scheduled to face Gen.G and Liiv SANDBOX in their next matches.
We played very poorly against Gen.G in round 1. They’re playing better each match, so we’ll need to prepare very well for our match against them. As for Liiv SANDBOX, I think we heavily underestimated them, and would have beaten them if we prepped better. We won’t make the same mistake twice.
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