On June 16, Gen.G defeated KT Rolster in the 2022 LCK Summer Split. Even though KT had their moments of brilliance, Gen.G were still able to take the 2-0 victory and go 1-0 in the scoreboard. Afte the match, Gen.G's mid laner Jeong “Chovy” Ji-hoon joined the press room at LoL Park for a victory interview.
Talk to us about the team’s victory over KT tonight.
We always felt like we struggled against KT, but I’m glad that we were able to win 2-0 tonight.
Gen.G picked support Singed in Game 1. Some were expecting you to play mid lane Singed. What are your thoughts on mid lane Singed?
Actually, I played against a mid Singed in solo queue. I was up 40 cs to 4 at one point, but seeing how I still lost that game made me very curious about Singed. Even still, I don’t think I’ll play mid Singed, because it’s completely different from my playstyle and it’ll be more efficient to invest my time elsewhere.
Why did you choose to take First Strike on Azir in Game 1?
The rune itself is good on champions with long range. I felt that there will never be a solo kill angle as Azir, no matter how well you play the laning phase. Getting a solo kill became even more difficult with the durability patch, so I felt it was better to make money through trades in lane.
Can you also shed some light on going Liandry’s and Demonic Embrace?
Since every champion in the game had their max health increased, items that deal percent health damage became better. Luden’s became less efficient because of champions’ base armor increasing.
You played Corki in Game 2, a champion that’s known for his late game carry potential. Did you feel the pressure to carry the game?
It’s not like you can carry a game at will, right? I just tried to make the best play in the given situation, and it just happened to lead to great results. It's important to have that mindset.
After the 12.10 durability patch, Corki and Azir seem to be prioritized so far in the LCK. Has the mid lane meta stagnated back to Corki vs. Azir? Or will we see more variety in the future?
I think that we’ll see more variety in the mid lane after some time.
You were named Player of the Game for both games. Who would you choose as PoG for the series?
I’d give it to Lehends because he played well on Singed in Game 1.
What are your goals for this split?
Winning the championship aside, I want to become a player who others think is unbeatable.
You also recently extended your contract with Gen.G. What are some of the reasons that led you to such a decision?
I thought about the things that Gen.G wanted from me, all the while thinking about my future. After weighing my various options in my current situation, I felt that extending my contract will benefit my future.
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