On the media day for the 2022 LCK Summer Split, players and coaches from each team gathered at LoL Park to talk with the media. The first half of the media day consisted of common questions for everyone. In the latter half, they took individual questions. The following is a full translation of the questions and answers.
(To Polt) Traditionally, T1 did worse in the summer compared to the spring split. What do you think about that? How do you propose to fix this issue?
Polt: I wasn’t an insider in the past, so I’m not sure why the team didn’t perform as well in the summer. In the current state, we were undefeated through spring, so I don’t think it’s possible to do better than that. [Laughs] I won’t try to match our spring season’s results, but we’ll still be trying to win the championship again.
(To Faker) Singed mid is quite hot in solo queue, and I’ve seen you play him as well. What are your evaluations on Singed mid?
Faker: If conditions are met, I think I can pick any champion. As for Singed, I’ve been playing him a lot because it’s fun.
(To Teddy) It’s a difficult time for ADCs. How did it change after the durability patch?
Teddy: It really feels that champions don’t die as much now, so I think the value of late game ADCs went up while the champions that have to win lane went down.
(To Rascal) Top laners complain the most about the durability patch. What do you think?
Rascal: According to my experience playing solo queue after the durability patch, the value of tank champions has risen.
(To Zefa) Nuguri joined the team after the spring split. You’ve played with him before. How did he change, and how do you think he can help the team?
Zefa: Nuguri played in the LPL for a year, took a season off, and returned. It feels more comfortable with him. He has always been a hard worker, and he still is. We’ve been communicating a lot, and he’s adapting well to the team.

(To Faker) The teams that have been to MSI usually had a hard time early in the summer. How is the meta breakdown going for T1? Are you confident going into the summer split?
Faker: This time, it was quite long from the end of MSI to the beginning of the summer season, so I don’t think we’re at a disadvantage. As for the meta, we’ve been doing our own research while seeing what the other teams’ thoughts are, so I believe we can get a head start.
(To Edgar) You finished 5th in the spring split. How likely do you think it is that you’ll reach Worlds for the first time in organization history?
Edgar: Rather than saying that we can reach Worlds right now, I want to give a realistic goal to the players of reaching the playoffs. From then, if we do well in the regional qualifiers, we can reach Worlds. It all depends on how the players and I do.
(To Irean) Nongshim RedForce was one of the biggest victims of COVID-19 last season. You’re heading into the summer split after that. How was the situation, and what’s your mindset going into the summer split?
Irean: Unfortunately for the team, the players took turns testing positive for COVID, so they couldn’t help but take breaks sequentially. They had to practice with different players every week. I thought they would have been stressed a lot, so I tried to have them take a good break. If the players do their best, they have the potential to get great results. I’ll be refilling their confidence to help them show a good performance.
(To Irean) You’re new to the team. What style of play do you want to show through the NS players?
Irean: Rather than having individual players stick out, I want to have a team that can show more things as a team. Of course, individual prowess is essential, but I hope they can become players that know exactly what to do in each situation as a team player.
(To Rascal) You had many solo kills last season. Which top laner are you looking out for the most in the summer?
Rascal: The top-tier top laners are all really good. I think the picks will decide win or lose lane. In the summer season, I think Nuguri will play well since he’s a great player and he already has experience playing with his mid and jungle.
(To Croco, OnFleek) You’re the cores of your teams. Which player are you looking forward to the most within your team?
OnFleek: I’d say Karis. He didn’t know that well about the champions’ laning compositions early in the spring, but he does now, so I’m looking forward.
Croco: Actually, everyone’s not good… If I have to pick one, it has to be Closer. He gained a lot of confidence, and I think he’ll do well.
(To Micro) Prince is back on the team now. How was his return?
Micro: Before the spring split, I wanted an experienced veteran in the bot lane, but we weren’t able to get one. I thought we should fill in that spot, so we brought Prince back again to the team. He played with us last year, so he adapted quickly. I believe he’ll be very helpful to the team.

(To all players) Which player are you looking out for the most?
Faker: Since ShowMaker hit 1st, I’m looking out for him.
Ruler: For me, it’s Zeus.
Canyon: Gen.G Peanut.
Pyosik: DWG KIA Canyon.
Teddy: T1 Keria.
UmTi: There are many players, but I’m looking out for ShowMaker and Canyon the most.
Rascal: T1 Keria.
Ghost: I believe Canyon will conquer the Rift with his strong laners.
Croco: DWG KIA Nuguri.
OnFleek: DWG KIA Nuguri.
(To Score) You were the runner-up for spring. What do you think is necessary to tie that last notch?
Score: In the spring, most of the players gathered from different teams. It was a season where we tried to identify what we lacked. I believe we need to improve those things to get better results in the summer.
(To Score) It was your debut season as the head coach. How would you evaluate yourself?
Score: It was the first time I had to carry such responsibility. Since it was the first time, many things were difficult, and I felt that I wasn’t doing enough. We had decent results in the spring since the players and coaches did so well, but I think I need to improve much more for us to do better in the summer.
(To Canyon) Many teams picked DWG KIA as favorites, and they picked you and Nuguri as players they’re looking out for. What do you think about that? How is building synergy with Nuguri?
Canyon: I’ve played with Nuguri a lot from long ago, so we’ll regain our teamwork and synergy in no time. I guess everyone’s looking out for us since we did well in 2020. There are still parts we lack as a team, so I think we need to work harder.

(To Ruler) At the beginning of the spring season, Gen.G and T1 were the favorites, but this summer, most people picked DK and T1. It should hurt your pride. What are your resolutions?
Ruler: DWG KIA has been doing really great in practice and scrims, so I think it’s a fair evaluation. It doesn’t really hurt my pride. In the summer, I hope we improve individually and as a team, aside from our results.
(To Ghost) You’re known as one of the best Senna players. It seems the recent patches were beneficial towards Senna — do you think it’s good news for you?
Ghost: Senna is usually used with solid champions in the bot lane, so now it’s much more stable playing her. Before, she just died if someone just nudged her, but it’s not that bad now, so I’m happy.
(To Pyosik) You had an inconsistent performance during the spring. What’s your goal for the summer?
Pyosik: My goal is to play well from beginning to end with consistency.

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