Twitch streamer "JustaMinx" detailed on stream about a recent incident surrounding a group of TikTokers attempting to get inside the Epic House. On June 6, 2022, Youna "CodeMiko" Kang revealed on Twitter that a group of TikTokers had attempted to get inside the Epic House to which the community sent their support to Epic House after the terrifying incident.
Now, JustaMinx has revealed on stream exactly what happened during that altercation along with video proof of the situation at hand. According to her, Epic House was hosting a big party when a group of TikTokers came to their house demanding to be let in. Being strangers to Epic House, they were not allowed entry to which they proceeded to throw rocks at the house.
“They were aiming at us,” JustaMinx said during her livestream. “They just had bad f***ing aim and missed.”
According to JustaMinx, the rocks created a hole in the screen of Miko’s window to which JustaMinx then proceeded to play the clip where she is speaking to the TikTokers, to where a voice can be heard stating, “I used to live here”.
Housemate Lewis Brindley then attempted to stave off the TikTokers in the video. “You just came to our f***ing house expecting to come in. F*** off,” Lewis said. “Why are you throwing rocks at us. F*** off! Why are you f***ing harassing us.”
Soon after, the four TikTokers fled the scene once things began to grow in intensity, according to JustaMinx. Aside from the damage to Miko’s window screen, nobody was hurt by the rock, though, JustaMinx revealed that the police never showed up even after being called twice.
While JustaMinx stated on Twitter that she would be “name dropping on stream” who the TikToker’s were with her roommates consent, they will instead keep those identities a secret and press charges against the group.
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