Dreamhack Dallas' Fortnite LAN tournament was going smoothly until the finals on June 3, when an eliminated player allegedly landed near DiegoPlayz to ruin his game on purpose and prevent him from winning a chunk of the $25K prize pool.
After the match, DiegoPlayz confronted the other player and an altecation ensued. A bit of the drama was caught on camera, with other players pulling DiegoPlayz and the griefer apart. Someone can be heard telling DiegoPlayz that there is a "lot of expensive equipment" around, urging them to stop fighting.
The clip of the fight started to spread throughout the gaming community. Even Tyler "Ninja" Blevins watched the clip and shared thoughts after a teammate told him about the situation.
"That sounds good to me man," Ninja answered. "What a f—ing loser. Homie, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. That f—ing reject thinks it's cool to ruin the competitive integrity of another player who is performing better than him at a live event and he's going to grief him on purpose, bro?"
Ninja's teammates seemed shocked that the Fortnite superstar took such a stance. Ninja added that nobody should "ever beat the s—" out of somebody but said "the kid asked for it" by griefing the would-be champion.
Turner "Tfue" Tenney agreed in the comments, replying: "Couldn't have said it better."
After the clip went viral, DiegoPlayz shared an apology on Twitter. In a TwitLonger, DiegoPlayz said it felt horrible to be "so close to winning a LAN event" just to have someone "purposely" take it away.
"With that being said," DiegoPlayz continued, "I should have not reacted the way I did. So first I would like to apologize to the kid and his family. Also my apologies to DreamHack and everyone hosting the event."
DreamHack has not responded to the situation thus far. It's possible that DiegoPlayz and the griefer could be banned from future DreamHack events and tournaments. At least DiegoPlayz will be allowed to compete in any online tournaments Ninja hosts.
Esports writer and editor with a passion for creating unique content for the gaming community.
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