On May 11, T1 defeated Team AZE in their second match of MSI 2022. T1 showcased a dominance that matched their undefeated run in the LCK Spring split, as it only took 20 minutes to destroy Team AZE’s Nexus.
After the win, T1’s support player Ryu “Keria” Min-seok joined Jeesun Park for a short interview on the Korean broadcast.
T1 are now 2-0 in the Group Stage. How do you feel?
I’m thrilled that we won both games we played.
T1 showcased new champions in each draft. From Senna-Wukong bot lane to Kindred jungle, tonight’s draft was shocking, to say the least. Is Wukong a champion you practice regularly?
I played him a lot in solo queue, but we actually couldn’t play a lot of scrims. That’s why we’re playing groups like we would play in scrims and experimenting with new picks. I think that we’ll have a definitive champion tier list by the Rumble Stage.
The team showcased a very fast-paced game tonight, having a 10K gold lead by 15 minutes. Was the fast tempo pre-meditated?
We didn’t really plan it. Before we knew it, the game was pretty much over while we were laning. It was something that we planned in advance. We had the home advantage, and the cheers from the crowd definitely helped our gameplay.
You have a lot of international stage experience, yet this is your first MSI. What’s your mindset for this tournament?
Busan is my hometown, so I really want to win my first MSI title.
It must be a very unique experience to play in your hometown.
I think the fans are from all around Korea, but the practice environment in my hometown is really great.
Lastly, a word to your fans.
I get a lot of energy from all the fans that come to watch our games in Korea. Thank you, and please continue to cheer us on.
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