Esports organization Evil Geniuses have fired Legends of Runeterra and Teamfight Tactics streamer Sean "swim" Huguenard following a slew of emotional and sexual abuse allegations made against him. On Twitter, Evil Geniuses state that they have "concluded an internal investigation into the conduct alleged" and that, as a result, swim was no longer an Evil Geniuses employee.
First allegations against swim
The first allegations against swim were made public on Monday, April 11, when swim's former partner Amwe posted a 43-page document detailing her experience with him. Amwe alleged that swim portrayed himself at first as "almost a virgin" with whom she wouldn't need to worry about sex, but that he would later emotionally manipulate her to touch his genitals on multiple occasions. Amwe also described that she would often wake up to swim humping her without her consent.
Amwe's statement also accused swim at length of emotional abuse. Through neglect, the document reads, swim would guilt trip Amwe into doing things she didn't want to. This ranged from cleaning his room to ordering food for Amwe and forcing her to eat it, despite her not wanting to do so because of an eating disorder.
Furthermore, Amwe alleges, swim made several comments about her physical appearance, such as her hair and breasts, insinuating she would have to do something about it. Swim also allegedly coerced Amwe into taking LSD together and having sex while on the drug, despite her saying beforehand that she didn't want to have sex while on drugs. On March 6, Amwe cut ties with swim.
More accusations follow
After Amwe's statement was made public, many women flocked to support her and shared the experiences they had with the streamer. Writer and streamer Silverfuse posted a document showing that swim tried to get ahead of Amwe by releasing some kind of statement, saying he feared he "might wake up to some kind of twitlonger about the monster of a boyfriend" he was. Later, when swim found out through other means that Amwe would release a statement, he told Silverfuse, "please ask yourself, whatever she's saying happened... is all the time we've known each other not even worth making sure that it's the truth?"
Kuvira, a teammate of Amwe, backed Amwe up in a statement posted on April 14. They explain that, while their friendship with swim initially started off well, he would gradually push their boundaries, despiteknowing of their history with sexual abuse, Kuvira said. In a screenshot, swim asks Kuvira "are u black" and follows immediately with "I'm not gonna have sex with u if ur black."

A 36-page document posted by Callonetta also on April 14 details the experiences of "Soundboard" — an ex-girlfriend of swim — much of which mirror those Amwe, dating back prior to the release of Gwent, a game swim would compete in and stream a lot. According to the document, Soundboard dated swim for a while, when he slowly trapped her in their relationship. When the two lived together and swim would make sexual requests, such as masturbating to her, he would remind Soundboard that saying "no" would mean she became homeless.
Swim's response
Swim apologized in a series of now-deleted Tweets, but hasn't publicly commented on either the allegations or being fired from Evil Geniuses since. However, in a leaked Discord screenshot of a private conversation with a censored user, it appears that swim shows very little remorse for his actions. He appears to dismiss it as "just twitter drama" and gives a positive spin to the accusations being made saying "it's about time i did something else".
Swim continues to say he feels "pretty good about it, just a bit weird at the same time." He states that it's not fun being manipulated and betrayed, but doubles down on having wanted to do something else with his career for a while and that maybe Amwe did him a favor by speaking out.

Disclaimer: An earlier version of the article stated that Callonetta dated swim, which is untrue. The error has been remedied and the article edited to reflect the truth.
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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