Team SoloMid defeats Cloud9 after a fierce full set series.
On April 23rd (PDT) in Vancouver, Canada; Team SoloMid and Cloud9 faced off in the final match of 2017 NA LCS Spring Split Playoffs. TSM was dominant in Game 1 and 2, but C9 didn't go down without a fight as they took Game 3 and 4 off TSM. The match eventually ended in TSM's favor after a close game that ended with a single teamfight.
TSM was dominant in Game 1. Svenskern have set up an early lead for both the top lane and bottom lane. Both Hauntzer and Wildturtle have did not let that advantage go to waste; Hauntzer has scored the first turret kill gold and shut down Ray's Kennen from even attempting to do a split push. Wildturtle did not die a single time in the game and continued to show solid performance throughout the game.
TSM continued to overwhelm C9 in Game 2. By scoring a solo kill on top, mid and bottom lane, TSM had a significant advantage over C9 after the laning phase. After a teamfight, TSM had the gold advantage of over 10k just after 20 minutes into the game. The game ended soon after as TSM tore through C9's base without stopping for Baron.
C9 fought back by taking Game 3. C9 had the initiative in the early game by successfully fending off TSM's early game aggression. C9 had some difficulty in closing up the game with TSM putting up a good fight. After a long struggle, C9 eventually ended the game as they punished TSM for being too greedy with the third Baron of the game.
C9 equalized the match by taking Game 4 as well. Impact returned as Shen and Smoothie surprised the crowd by picking Gragas as support. C9 again succeeded in stopping TSM's aggression, starting with Sneaky pulling a clutch bush play that awarded C9 first blood. The game Jensen's Syndra put Bjergsen's Orianna out of the game. The game ended in C9's favor as TSM was helpless against C9's coordinated offense.

In the end, TSM ended Game 5 after a nail-biting teamfight. Both TSM and C9 were fiercely in contention throughout the game. TSM was caught off guard as C9 managed to catch Hauntzer's Camille off position. However, It was Bjergsen's Syndra that end the match as he sniped Contractz's Kha'Zix in the final teamfight of the match around the Elder Dragon. As TSM finished off the rest of C9, TSM was crowned as the champion of NA LCS.
NA LCS Finals: Team SoloMid vs Cloud9
Team SoloMid 3 vs 2 Cloud9
Set 1: Team SoloMid W vs L Cloud9
Set 2: Team SoloMid W vs L Cloud9
Set 3: Team SoloMid L vs W Cloud9
Set 4: Team SoloMid L vs W Cloud9
Set 5: Team SoloMid W vs L Cloud9
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