On day 38 of the 2022 LCK Spring split, DWG KIA defeated Nongshim RedForce 2-0 in match 2 of the day. The jungler for DK, Kim “Canyon” Geon-bu, was named ‘Player of the Game’ [POG] for his performance in game 2 of the series. With 1,400 points, Canyon is at the top of the POG standings by a wide margin, with ‘Lava’, ‘Deft’, and ‘Faker’ tied for 2nd place with 900 points.
Following the match, Canyon joined Inven for a post-match interview. When asked about his secret behind the POG standings, he replied, “I tried not to think too much about the POG points, but once I’ve crossed the 1,000 mark threshold, I did start to become a bit more greedy for it.”

Canyon’s recent notable pick was Nidalee in his match against Gen.G. Although DWG KIA lost their match against Gen.G earlier this week, Canyon played a huge part in keeping game 3 of the series very neck to neck. When asked about his secret behind making Nidalee javelins [her Q] look like a point-and-click ability, he said, “I’ve played Nidalee in both solo queue and on stage for a while now, so I think I’m finally starting to get a feel for how to land them more consistently.”
Earlier this split, DWG KIA’s top laner, Noh “Burdol” Tae-yoon was criticized for essentially being the weak point of the team. However, with time, he’s also received praise for his improvement. Canyon also commented on his improvement by saying, “I believe Burdol is a very good player. He’s been playing well thus far, and if everyone else also plays well, he’s going to continue to improve. Team synergy comes first.”
Lastly, he commented on the issue of griefers/trolls at the top of the KR solo queue ladder that recently came into light. Canyon commented, “In the past, solo queue games were more macro focused, so there were naturally less deaths in games. There are a lot less games like that this year.”
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