The Lost Ark community is conflicted about the MMO's female characters, which are often seen as overly suggestive.
Character customization has many seemingly sexist issues, with male and female characters having completely different hair and clothing options. This is already being seen as a bit backwards in 2022, but it's even worse for some players once they noticed female characters had very limited options. They were often left in revealing armor, even wearing heels. There are also gender-locked classes.
While many male and female Lost Ark players enjoy playing female characters that are dressed sexy and running around in heels, the concern is that there are basically no other options for people that don't like this or find it uncomfortable. The female characters wearing booty shorts and heels as they scramble for any type of armor is being seen as sexist by many since the developers have decided there are almost no other ways to portray female characters in Lost Ark at this time.
The female characters are not only given limited clothing options other than "half-naked and wearing heels" but are not allowed to be assigned certain classes. Basically, any class that has large swords is off-limits to female characters. This is something that may be changed in the future, but many fans are wondering why it was even launched this way to begin with.
Does it really matter if a woman wielding a giant sword is "unrealistic" in a completely made-up fantasy land? This has definitely left some players wondering why this choice was made. Even Asmongold touched upon the limitations in a rant about female characters and why he won't play them.
The suggestive outfits haven't been an issue for everyone, however. The female characters are portrayed as strong, powerful, and just as badass as the male characters in most instances. An overly sexual butt wiggle while walking isn't a game-breaking problem for most gamers, even women. This is most likely due to the fact that everyone is used to these kinds of antics and female portrayals in games. Whether that makes it a good thing or not is up for debate.
While a lot of women have voiced a bit of frustration with the female characters being forced to look and dress a certain way, it's not enough to take away from the overall enjoyment fans of the game are experiencing, including women. There are currently no statistics about the in-game demographic, but many women have been discussing Lost Ark on social media. So while nobody is throwing any type of dramatic fit over the tone-deaf female characters in Lost Ark, it is something that many players have found to be off-putting since it points to a bigger issue in gaming and entertainment.
Esports writer and editor with a passion for creating unique content for the gaming community.
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Comments :3
level 1 RoBeRt_EsCu
I started playing the game with more of my friends and saw different reactions of my friends and I.
I play the male characters and complain of some oversexualized NPCs.
A male friend tries to find the armour that covers his female character the most.
A female friend that doesn't care of the sexualisation and just enjoys playing the game.
A male friend that likes the sexy armour of his characters and tries to find nice outfits.
Bottom line, I see the sexualisation as a funny thing sometimes, but I wold like to see things like this in males characters too, like NPCs in beach pleaces that wear the Borat swimsuit. XDD -
level 1 Eriksin
Idk why this clip of Asmon was chosen for this, it was mainly about how he thinks its weird for guys to play female characters, which wasnt even the topic. Also, he has directly addressed this and personally I find it to be alot more level-headed than just focusing on one specific gender.
Thats not to say that we should be bashing Smitegate for their unrealistic male figures too. In regards to the figure, I think in an ideal world Lost Ark would give you full costumization power over your characters body like other MMOs. However in regards to the outfits, they should probably have more modest clothing as an armor with the more revealing outfits as cosmetics.
Asmon's opinion when asked about this topic:
Part 1: https://clips.twitch.tv/RichResoluteShieldPipeHype-hVe5V5_m7IPu2Ssg
Part 2: https://clips.twitch.tv/SilkySavageChipmunkMau5-pvwD3otb9oq5dnI7 -
level 1 MuyounAlt
made an account just say this post is a complete lie. I play male classes because im a guy, but the only thing ive heard from players in forums, reddit, twitch streams and ingame is that they dont want anything to be censored or changed, i have not heard a single person who genuinely thinks that the outfits are over sexualised, and even if they are we dont care.