On Feb. 18, DRX defeated DWG KIA in the 2022 LCK Spring Split. Through the win, DRX extended their winning streak to 6 and placed themselves in 3rd place in the LCK. In the match, Kim “Zeka” Geon-woo and Kim “Deft” Hyuk-kyu were voted as Players of the Games. They joined Lee Jeong-hyun after the match for an interview.
How does today’s victory taste?
Deft: It felt like we were trailing the whole time. I’m happy that we turned it around.
You’re on a 6-match winning streak, and you finished round 1 in 3rd place. How do you feel about that?
Zeka: Since we continued our winning streak to the end of the first round, I think we’ll do well if we prepare more for the second round.
BeryL played against his former team. Was he eager to beat them?
Deft: BeryL is always eager when he plays, so it wasn’t much different in-game-wise. But BeryL usually heads back to rest at 4 o’clock, and he was working on something past 5 yesterday. He said that he was studying drafts. Through that, I saw that really wanted to win.
Your win rate on Jinx is even higher now. Aren’t you amazed yourself?
Deft: Since it’s not 100%, I’m not too amazed.
Do you think you’ll be amazed if it gets to 99.99%?
Deft: Yeah, I probably will. [Laughs]
When Canyon’s Diana scaled well, it would have been difficult. How did you plan to resolve the situation?
Deft: Although Diana scaled well, I thought we had a better composition. When they rushed a fight in mid lane, I thought we won.
You built Maw of Malmortius on your Jinx.
Deft: I don’t really build Malmortius that often. In that game, I wanted to prevent getting one-shot by Diana.
DRX has a 100% win rate in game 3s this season. Were you aware of that heading into game 3?
Zeka: I didn’t know, but since we won game 2, I thought if we work harder with the momentum, we’d be able to win.
Ahri won in the LCK for the first time in 5 years. How did you end up picking her?
Zeka: Since Ahri was reworked, I tried playing her. She was pretty good in solo queue, so I practiced her a lot. But after playing her in an official match, I think Ahri stinks.
Deft: Haha.

You lost playing Ahri in game 1, but you picked her again with a different jungler in game 3. What was the feedback between those games?
Zeka: When I played Ahri during practice, I played her with Lee Sin. In game 3, the angle was alright, so I picked her again.
Zeka says Ahri stinks. What do you think, Deft?
Deft: I think he played much better during practice. He did play well today too. If he’s able to play as well as he did during practice, Ahri is a good champ.
DWG KIA played mid-centric while DRX played through the sidelanes.
Zeka: I think we played that way because Ahri is better playing on the sidelanes than going head to head in the mid lane.
In game 3, you picked Xayah. What did you think about the bot lane matchup?
Deft: As for Xayah vs. Aphelios, Xayah can take priority, but they took Karma, so it was difficult. We were able to win because we endured that situation.
Was it harder than you thought?
Deft: They banned two bot champions during the draft, so I was aiming for a more supportive role. My teammates did well, so we won.
Ahri decided the final result with that pick-off.
Zeka: Frankly, I thought we wouldn’t be able to win until that last teamfight. Luckily, we won the teamfight.
When is Ahri strong?
Zeka: If she carries Ignite, Ahri’s good in securing early game objectives like the Rift Herald.
You’ve concluded the first round on a 6-game winning streak. How long do you think you’ll extend the winning streak?
Zeka: If possible, I’d like to go at least 10.
Your first match in round 2 is Hanwha Life Esports. How will you play against them?
Deft: The team atmosphere and momentum are really good now. Since I want to continue the good flow, I’ll prepare well and make sure we win.
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