The Bren LMG is one of the most popular weapons in Warzone Pacific Season 2, and for good reason. This gun absolutely slays and is a great companion to the MP40 SMG. With the right setup, the Bren is a reliable mid-range and even long-range gun pick that hits like an absolute tank.
We put together the best Bren loadout in Warzone Pacific Season 2, to help you get to slaying in Caldera with this iconic World War 2 LMG. This loadout all but eliminates the recoil on this gun, turning it into a powerful WW2 laser.
Best Loadout for the Bren in Warzone Pacific Season 2
Muzzle: Mercury Silencer
Barrel: Queen's 705mm Royal
Optic: M38/Slate 2.5x Custom
Stock: Queen's Model 11 BH
Underbarrel: M1941 Hand Stop
Magazine: 6.5 Sakura 40 Round Mags
Ammunition: Lengthened
Rear Grip: Polymer Grip
Perk: Tight Grip
Perk 2: Fully Loaded
Mercury Silencer
Silencers have long been a staple of Warzone, due to the importance of keeping a low profile while playing the game. In Battle Royales, third-party players come to spoil the celebration often, but when you have a silencer, it is much harder for them to pinpoint your location.
Queen's 705mm Royal
This barrel is essential to the loadout, since it increases your bullet velocity and removes damage fall off from the Bren entirely. Plus, this is going to improve your accuracy and decrease your recoil. This makes the Bren a beast at longer ranges, adding to its already impressive versatility.\
M38/Slate 2.5x Custom
Realistically, use whatever you want when it comes to optic attachments. I personally think a 2.5x zoom is a nice length for this gun, since it will help in long ranges, without handicapping its use for moderate ranged fights.
Queen's Model 11 BH
This stock is going to improve your accuracy and improve your recoil control, adding to this gun's longer-range potential and overall usability.
M1941 Hand Stop
This foregrip is going to further reduce your recoil and improve your accuracy. In exchange, you will take a hit to hip-fire accuracy, but if you find yourself hip firing this weapon, you are probably doing something wrong anyway.
6.5 Sakura 40 Round Mags
While you sacrifice the large magazines that might traditionally be included in an LMG, these 40 round magazines make this gun feel more like an assault rifle in regards to handling. You will see improvements to your ADS, fire rage, accuracy, and recoil.
Lengthened ammo increases your bullet velocity, making it easier to hit targets at longer range.
Polymer Grip
This is going to reduce your flinching when you are shot, allowing you to stay on target during gun fights. It will also improve your accuracy for sustained fire, which can come in handy.
Tight Grip
The Tight Grip further improves the Bren's recoil control during sustained fire, adding to what the Polymer Grip was doing.
Fully Loaded
Finally, Fully Loaded is going to give you max ammo when you pick up your Loadout drop, so you can worry about hunting and slaying, not searching for ammunition.
Best BREN Perks and Equipment
- Perk 1: E.O.D.
- Perk 2: Overkill
- Perk 3: Amped
- Lethal: Throwing knife
- Tactical: Stim
E.O.D. decreases the damage you take from explosives in Warzone. It is a great addition to any class setup since it will help you stay active and not have to worry so much about explosives during your games.
Overkill lets you run two primary weapons. With the Bren being so long-ranged, you want to have another primary slot dedicated to a short-range weapon like the MP40 to provide short-range support.
Weapon swap speed can be really important with the Bren, since you are really only built out for mid to long-range fights. Complete this setup with the MP40 or another SMG for short-range.
Throwing Knife
While it isn't going to explode an enemy, the throwing knife's utility is hard to question. It allows you to quickly dispatch enemies who have been downed, without the need to reveal your location or reload afterward. Then you can pick up the knife and do it all again. It's not the sexiest option, but it is the most useful one.
Stim is also not the sexiest option, but its utility is never in doubt. Stim restores your health and your tactical sprint, giving you what amounts to a get-out-of-jail-free card. This is particularly important when you are aggressively slaying with your MP40, and need a quick touch-up in the middle of a fight.
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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