On Jan 23, T1 faced off against Liiv SANDBOX in day 10 of the 2022 LCK Spring split. With a set score of 2-0, T1 took the victory over LSB and continues their undefeated match streak in the split.
The jungler for T1, Moon “Oner” Hyeon-joon, joined the press room for a post-match interview.
Thoughts on the victory?
This is my first time since debuting as a pro to pick up my fourth consecutive match victory. It’s very meaningful.
Can you tell me what the team focused on in preparing for tonight’s match against Liiv SANDBOX?
We tried to focus on figuring out Kim “Croco” Dong-beom’s jungle pathing. We watched how he pathed, and we figured out that his plan was to get his mid laner, Lee “Clozer” Ju-hyeon ahead and get him to scale.
Paradoxically, Liiv SANDBOX had an early lead in game 1.
We did manage to draft Corki, but given the matchup, it was tough for us early. We knew Viktor’s going to have priority over Corki early, so we decided to bank on our late game prowess.
What separates T1’s macro game above the rest?
'Keria' is our main shotcaller because he’s incredibly accurate at reading the game. The result of us four following his calls have been quite stellar.
It seems that T1’s really good at catching teams off guard through lane swapping timings.
Our bot duo’s very strong. Because they usually have so much priority, Keria becomes free to roam around the map. We make the call to lane swap when we’re ahead, and the teams sometimes are unable to answer our move. We don’t have a set timing for the lane swap; it’s all situational. I think that’s why it’s tricky for our opponents.
In the broadcast interview, Lee “Gumayusi” Min-hyeong said, “I’m already the best ADC in Korea, so my next goal is to become the best in the world.”
I think confidence like that is good. However, unlike other bot laners with lots of experience, we still don’t have a lot of games under our belt. I think it’s better to gain more experience and say things like that.
Gumayusi also said that T1’s scrim results have been quite stellar. Can you tell us more about how the team’s scrims are going?
It’s true that we’re doing well in scrims. Even when we lose, it’s because we’re experimenting with new picks in the meta. I think that we play at about our 50-60% of our scrim level in actual matches.
How close do you think you are to being the best jungler in Korea?
I’ve never really thought about it. However, I think I’m at least 5th out of the 10 teams.
What does the team need to improve from this series against Liiv SANDBOX?
I think that we’re good at skirmishing. However, we still need to work on not getting chunked out through poke and gaining vision.
In a previous interview, Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok stated that you get really nervous. Do nerves still affect you a lot?
Since our last match, I’m slowly shedding my nerves. It’s gotten a lot better, and I expect to not be nervous with more games under my belt.
Your next matchup is against Nongshim RedForce. Their jungler, Lee “Dread” Jin-hyeok, is first place in the POG [Player of the Game] race. What are your thoughts on Dread?
I think he harbors a similar aggressive playstyle as I do. Personally, I don’t think my mechanics fall behind his in any way, so I’m excited for the next match.
Lastly, is there anything you’d like to say?
Because of all the support from our fans, we’re able to continue our match streak. Through your continued support, we’ll make sure to beat Nongshim and extend that streak to five.
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