If there's information to be hidden, you'd better believe there are individuals out there trying to gain access to it.
On Wednesday morning, one day before the Hearthstone development team was set to announce the contents of patch 22.2, data miners uncovered balance changes across numerous game modes.
Set to go live on January 25, the data miners shared their findings with the Hearthstone community on the game's official subreddit and thousands flocked to get a sneak peek of what's supposedly in store.
According to the leak, a total of eight cards across the Standard and Wild game modes are set to be changed to help restore order to the metagame and improve the playing experience for many who log in daily.
The following balance changes were datamined:
Rapid Fire:
Old: 1 mana, Twinspell, Deal 1 damage.
New: 2 mana, Twinspell, Deal 2 damage.
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Old: 2 mana, 3/2 minion.
News: 4 mana, 3/2 minion.
Incanter's Flow
Old: 3 mana.
New: 4 mana.
Wildpaw Gnoll
Old: 5 mana, 4/5 minion.
New: 6 mana, 3/5 minion.
Cloak of Shadows
Old: 3 mana.
New: 4 mana.
Create a Distraction (Part of Raid the Docks questline)
Old: Play 2 Pirates, deal 2 damage to a random enemy twice.
New: Play 3 Pirates, deal 2 damage to a random enemy twice.
Rokara, the Valorous
Old: 7 mana, adds 5 Armor.
New: 7 mana, adds 10 Armor.
Shadowcrafter Scabbs
Old: 7 mana.
Now: 8 mana.
Players won't know if the supposed leaks are true until the development team releases their scheduled announcement Thursday afternoon. But if the aim is to mix up the ladder experience at high levels of play, the balance changes above may do the trick.
Tim Rizzo is the editor and a reporter for Inven Global. He joined the company back in 2017.
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