On Jan. 15, in the 2022 LCK Spring Split, Nongshim RedForce defeated Liiv SANDBOX 2-0 and KT Rolster swept Kwangdong Freecs. Both Nongshim RedForce and KT Rolster made up for their losses in their first match of the season.
Nongshim RedForce started Jeong “Peter” Yoon-su at support instead of Lee “Effort” Sang-ho. In the first game, Liiv SANDBOX took the lead through jungle fights. As they also took kills in the mid and top lanes, they took the lead, and Liiv SANDBOX were able to take three dragons first. However, Nongshim RedForce utilized their Talon and Yuumi to pick up kills all over the Rift. At the 25-minute mark, the game was turned around and tilted as Nongshim RedForce took a 5K global gold lead. With the lead, they secured Baron and closed the game. In this game, Gwak "Bdd" Bo-seong collected his 1,500th kill in the LCK.
In game 2, Nongshim RedForce collected solo kills in mid and jungle at the 5-minute mark. The early lead quickly turned into a snowball and Nongshim RedForce took an inhibitor at the 20-minute mark. As the super minions pushed the bot lane, Nongshim RedForce lured Liiv SANDBOX to the Baron pit where they transitioned a Baron raid to a teamfight. As the won the teamfight and secured Baron, Nongshim RedForce went through the bot lane and finished the game.

KT Rolster also had a great game against Kwangdong Freecs. Game 1 was dominated by the former Gen.G players, Kim “Rascal” Kwang-hee and Kim “Life” Jeong-min. The early kills KT Rolster secured started an unstoppable avalanche. As Rascal scaled well, KT Rolster didn’t hesitate to fight or make dives. The avalanche swallowed Kwangdong Freecs in no time as KT Rolster took game 1.
Game 2 also went similar to game 1. Whenever Moon “Cuzz” Woo-chan’s Jarvan IV attempted ganks, Rascal and Life responded quickly and KT Rolster gained two kills. Through their lead, KT Rolster started teamfights with Life and Cuzz in the center. As KT Rolster took all of the dragons very quickly, the Elder dragon appeared early, and Kwangdong Freecs tried to contend the Elder dragon. However, they were no match against Kim “Aiming” Ha-ram’s Aphelios. KT Rolster took the Elder dragon and Baron in order and finished the game.

2022 LCK Spring Split Jan. 15 Results
Nongshim RedForce 2 - 0 Liiv SANDBOX
Kwangdong Freecs 0 - 2 KT Rolster
2022 LCK Spring Split Standings
1st T1 2-0 (+3)
2nd DWG KIA 1-0 (+2)
2nd Gen.G 1-0 (+2)
4th Hanwha Life Esports 1-0 (+1)
5th Nongshim RedForce 1-1 (+1)
6th KT Rolster 1-1 (0)
6th Liiv SANDBOX 1-1 (0)
8th Fredit BRION 0-1 (-1)
9th DRX 0-2 (-4)
9th Kwangdong Freecs 0-2 (-4)
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